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A member registered Jan 31, 2021 · View creator page →

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The game is a nice casual experience, I love the simple tween animations for the sprites and the mechanic of random(?) sprites, where the BaeRats have different features and colors. But yeah, like others mentioned, I was wondering the purpose of selling the rats, since it didn't hamper my cheese collection speed. 

 I completely understand how time is a difficult factor to work with in game jams. I also ended up not having enough time than I would've liked this game jam with many unexpecting things coming up so I fully get your stresses. Awesome to you that you managed to pump out something despite all the hardships!

For your second game ever made, I am very impressed! It was a fun little game, especially implementing an upgrade system! That is an awesome feat that you should be proud of! I also had fun replaying it to see how far I can go.

Some feedback I have is that you could benefit from having some UI or indicator about the objectives and weapons, since I realized after my 3rd? playthrough that there was a reload cooldown for the guns. I also ended up not using the parry, since I was left unsure what exactly the parry was supposed to do.  (A block? Does it push enemies away? Etc). 

Overall nice small experience! Well done!

The polish for this game is INSANE. Like, I still remember when I saw the demo Poppyscile posted in the Holojam server with Mococo's animations and the stage with the dialogue. My jaw dropped. I hope to achieve that quality of a look in my future projects and I might end up reaching out to you two for tips! 

The game has great features, from the animation, lighting, dialogue and tutorial texts, and the concept of switching between Fuwamoco is very cool, and I love the base of the gameplay! The positives are top notch here!

Now with a large-scoped game like this, I think there were a lot of time-oriented bug/balance issues, and I can't even imagine how difficult it would be to tweak everything within the 2-week timeframe. While I didn't mind the speed of the attacks from Fuwamoco, I felt the hitboxes came out slower than I thought (Especially Fuwawa's reflect). Similarly, like how LightningGrey mentioned, the Chaos items' effect was too much for me as well, and I think it carried over once you ended up dying? I'm not sure about whether that was intentional or a bug. And there were the other small stuff that was mentioned in the itch.io description, but that can be added in future builds with more time :)

This game was so awesome to see, and a huge inspiration. I am excited for the updated builds (if you guys continue it!) :D

The gameplay is really fun, interesting, and surprisingly strategetic! You can't really go guns blazing aside from Biboo (And there's a lot of Biboo specific items, which I will get to later). Choosing items for battle also was fun, with them being splattered around in the inventory and you choose ones within the time limit. I think the art style works really well for the theme, and I like the dialogue boxes and the easter eggs in the items. I was not expecting to see a "I gotta eat sushi or I'll die!" reference LOL! The gameplay is really fun, as I mentioned earlier and I wanna continue playing! 

Some critiques are that there are a lot of Biboo-specific items but that's about it. If there are more items for Ollie and Zeta I would've think it will work nicely. Also, I would've liked some background tracks instead of the static. Would make the game more immersive ;)

Overall, great entry! Well done!

Yup, the game is a rage-inducing one...LOL it was very creative though. I was surprised to see a lot of mechanics that changed up small bits of gameplay but worked together pretty well. I might need to playthrough  more of the game to catch any other details I missed, but so far things are looking pretty good!

I do agree with Kano and ζοιδ. Some blind jumps were too brutal since you don't exactly know which direction to jump, which involves a lot of luck rather than purely the player messing up. The jump mechanic also should have some sort of "PowerBar" or Angry Birds-esc type of arc indicator, as that could help the player have a smoother experience. Also, no background ost definitely was another kicker. Having one could help ease the rage lol. 

But overall interesting game! Also really well executed and I would want to come back to it!

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Like others mentioned below, I really enjoyed this game because I love doing random math calculations and this provides a lot of opportunity to think about how to go about getting to the target number or close to it. I also appreciate the different types of dice types and the small comments on the descriptions that made me chuckle! Having a tutorial helped me understand the features of the game, and that was a huge plus since a lot of game jam games tend to not have enough time to implement structured tutorials.

One bug I ran into was how I accidentally created a number really big using the exponent function and I barely was able to clear it, so having a clear and submit button in a constant position might be good!

 Great work overall! I really enjoyed it!

I am very intrigued to see the post-jam version! I'm excited to see what the page mechanic would do, like maybe shifting the layouts of rooms? We will see!  All the implemented features are working fine, maybe some additional mechanics would help depending on how much platforming is involved.

The base frame of the game is there! I am excited to see it expanded upon :D

WOW. Now this is a great jam game. This game is so addicting, the visuals look awesome, the Tsunomaki Janken song fits the gameplay, AND the loop of the gameplay fits the Chaos theme so well because you are challenged to adapt onto the spot to follow Miko or Aki's janken conditions after being comfortable with Watame's rules. The leaderboard helps add on to repetitiveness, as if you are someone who is competitive you would want to continue trying again and again! 

The ONLY nitpick I had was that it was kinda hard to tell the hands of Miko, Watame and Aki when they are in cue because all of them have a lot of white as their base color, so my brain will get jumbled up with them (I tended messing up Miko and Watame a lot), but honestly, that adds to the Chaos so I think it is completely fine!

This is such an awesome entry.  Simple, repetitive, and fun. This will be an entry I want to keep in mind when scoping out a game jam game, as I think this is a great example. Really phenomenal! 

Did you guys make the walk and punch animations!? That is very smooth, whacky, and clean! I really  enjoyed how tied everything looked together and the game is also very replayable! I ended up replaying it a number of times! :D

Kinda like how others mentioned in the comments below, the punch animation sometimes would straight up "miss" and I would not be able to hit enemies, so I ended up resorting in running and moving around rather than going out of the way to punch them. Additionally I think having more SFX would really help bring the game together!

Really funny and whacky game! I really think it was a nice demo!

Nice concept! I do like your idea of mixing a cave exploration game like Terrira with Bomber-man esc type of bombs with multiple upgrades! Also nicely done on the procedurally generated levels, it can definitely help for future versions of the projects or other ones too!

I'm pretty sure most of the comments below covered my main thoughts of improvement, like movement speed or the enemy not being a hazard. One thing I was wondering if there is an objective or end goal for the game since I was going around unsure of what exactly I was trying to do. Even if it doesn't have an end condition, maybe making it something like "Making the strongest bomb to destroy terrain and find treasure!" or "Try to go through as many floors"! Would have been a nice little motive to continue playing the demo. 

But for a game concept, I think it is a nice start! 

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First off, I am very impressed you decided to go with a 3D game for a game jam, on top of being a solo dev. You programmed, made the story, drew the characters and created the models all by yourself??? That is some insane work right there and you should be proud! Great job there! :D Also love the Persona-esc UI and the character portraits!

Like ζοιδ mentioned, I do feel the overall story and investigation are a bit straightforward, and there were elements of the dialogue that made me think I missed something (Like Bae having a picture of ______ in a dress). Also, with the members on the island, it was pretty easy to distinguish who was the culprit (I won't mention who for spoiler reasons, but when I checked the electric box and found ____, it was already tied to 2 people, and then you have her first reaction, I was 99% sure the culprit was ______).  Also, the point-and-click movement mechanic did have some minor bugs, like the path finding being off in certain instances but that's very minor. 

And again, this is extremely impressive for a single-person effort! If you can build off of the mechanics of the game and dedicate more time to the investigation, this can grow to be a great game! 

A simple, fun, and replayable experience! A really cute game with cohesive elements tied together, and I adore the Mikochi artwork! Perfect for her ongoing collab as well! :D The music also helps immerse myself to keep on playing, with a chill and relaxed mood. 

Most of the comments here do summarize the critiques I had with the game, and I actually didn't realize there were buffs to the game until I saw the comments for the post! I did notice the icons while playing the game, but I wasn't sure what exactly they did (Like, the Pink taiyaki + icon. I was wondering "Wait will more taiyaki's spawn? Or do I get extra points?)

Great entry overall though! I loved the artwork a ton!

I am in love with the setting, atmosphere, the game concept and especially Mumei's pixel art. I am speechless with the pixel art animations the smooth effects for the inventory and even a small animation of Mumei turning when reading a note. The concept is very interesting, with you forgetting things so you must discover and take notes to use the items.

The mechanics did have some quirks to it that may need some readjusting. It was kind of hard to remember to remind myself to memorize the items, and there were multiple instances where I kept forgetting to save my items, and then realizing to myself "Damn, I forgot to memorize the item's effect!" and losing it from my inventory. Then I head back, and then remember "Right, the rooms get randomized!". This coupled with the lamp limit might be a little counteractive (kind of whatTexellation mentioned). I think I got a hang of the mechanic a little more after going through the game for some time, but this can differ from player to player. 

As others mentioned, there was some confusion with the tilesets (Like the third(?) room, there are certain areas you can go under), but that is a minor fix that can be tweaked through playtests so it isn't too big of a deal. 

Such a unique game, I love the creative execution and the pixel art in this! I am excited for the future of it :D

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Wow, this is a perfect example of a great game jam entry. A short, fun, replayable experience that I am going to have a fun time messing around with later today. I love the dice mechanic, as it fits the "Chaos" RNG, where you can either make things easier or screw yourself over with a big roll.  The attacks like the laser, and the bullet hell elements both get overwhelming which fits the theme perfectly as well. And then you have the nice dialogue, pixel art, and the overall visual effects which really help add more icing to the cake! :D

Some suggestions I have,  which most of them are minor, would be some balancing effects on Biboo's attacks. I  had some struggle aiming or shooting Biboo's pellets, and they sometimes would get "stuck" and won't come out. Also, I ended up forgetting the shield mechanic existed and resorted to running around attacks, so either making the mechanic more apparent or making a special attack like "Cuphead" to deal more damage might be good!

Overall, this was a really fun game and I really enjoyed playing this entry! This was so good!

Nice concept for a simulation game! Love how you guys decided to incorporate Bae’s love for Coffee, and inside jokes for the customer names LOL!

Since this is early in development, I think you guys have an abundance of options of directions to take the game. Since there is no real end condition or goal, you guys probably can discuss the overall goal of game. Maybe adding some score, time attack to make as many drinks, adding more things as the day goes on, a VN-styled chilled experience that focuses on a story like ζοιδ mentioned. 

…And the self-implode button. A little more instruction on that LOL (I clicked it out of curiosity, and was confused why my game ended abruptly XD)

Nice idea! Making a roguelike with puzzle elements seems fun and I am excited to see where you will branch out from this :D I also love your sprites for Bae and IRYS, they are very cute! One thing that surprised me was how you decided to implement PAD functionality. 

Some feedback aside from basic things that could be refined, like Bae’s attack, SFX, and terrain collision is to consider gameplay execution. I actually didn’t run into any puzzles on my first playthrough (It was the same room with Bae’s mouse 3 times in a row) and just stumbled into IRYS, so I was pretty confused about how I got there. So maybe making the experience more linear might be better to showcase the puzzle design you made. But that’s more so your call! 

Overall, nice and cute demo, and I am looking forward to the future of the game!