Yeah, here you go. sorry if there's something glaringly obvious that says whats wrong on there, i'm new and also dyslexic a random wall of text is near impossible for me to decipher without already knowing what i'm looking for haha
I did also notice, its now randomly popping up when i run around on that yard map even when i haven't triggered the event. it didn't do that before, and as far as i know, its only happening on that map. i did a comparison just now and the devtool window looks identical with that popup too. it seems to appear when i run over to the right side below those fences on the other side of that bush, first time i noticed it that's where it was, and i just ran over there again, popped up again, and i ran around the map a while in all different directions, it didn't pop up until i went to that exact same spot again
I took a screen shot of the map, that area that's in the white selected square is i think exactly where the pop up triggers, it seems like it doesn't pop up if i already got the pop up from triggering the event, so it only happens once per play test by the looks of it, but it could keep doing it if i were to leave the map or something i'm not sure