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(1 edit)

Oh my god, yes... Ran is a veerrrrry protective guard dog.  After that choice, where did you choose to stay the night? (Enjoy some angst with certain options if you made the previous choice, I actually felt bad...) It's much more fake happy-go-lucky if you try to balance both of them, but I can't wait to see it crash down eventually, even if it's my MC's own fault, ha. Janiya isn't wrong there I think. I really want to see how far we can push both of them, heh.

Aaah, thanks - I think I got you on the Chapter 3 choice. I definitely "chose poorly" my first run just because my MC was sick of the pressure, so she did some drastic things...

Oh, I will not anything spoilery if you haven't played Esmius's route! (You have good taste - Sirath is much superior, I agree! He's such a cutie character.)

I just did a re-play this weekend, so I'm fresh on the lore (but - I haven't played Nissa's route ever, so hopefully I'm not missing too much, she was a little too crazy for me 👀).  I was trying to summarize what new powers we found out about the demons/demonspawn...? More information on how the gems work/what infernal creatures can do through them, Eniri's strategy for acquiring flesh (even though I thought we'd seen this scenario in the modules at one time or another?), we found out ice demons are a thing, some more moral characters could be alive that might impact outcome (eehhh, probably a stretch...?), more on magic types available (Shar's light magic, divination, etc...)

I'm just trying to rack my brain on what the prize could be?  Esmius could do a "service" for Raze, but I'm trying to figure if Raze has anyone important left and I don't think he'd want to interact with Esmius going forward....? I don't really know Raze's motivation anymore.  Bright is dead in this timeline or wasn't romantically involved with Raze anyway. He's seems disinterested in most things, except his cats (doesn't seem to want a new human to follow?)... could it be Bright's necklace? Just so he has a back-up if he wants a new human "pet" later? But, I don't think it's that important. The necklace wasn't created for this Raze anyway and he could theoretically use any compatible jewelry in the future if he wanted a human "pet" again.  (I did notice that Janiya has a similar necklace to Bright... not sure what gems qualify - couldn't Raze speak with her privately if so inclined...?) I feel like I need to get out a tin hat at this point...