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A member registered Dec 01, 2019 · View creator page →

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Oh my god, yes... Ran is a veerrrrry protective guard dog.  After that choice, where did you choose to stay the night? (Enjoy some angst with certain options if you made the previous choice, I actually felt bad...) It's much more fake happy-go-lucky if you try to balance both of them, but I can't wait to see it crash down eventually, even if it's my MC's own fault, ha. Janiya isn't wrong there I think. I really want to see how far we can push both of them, heh.

Aaah, thanks - I think I got you on the Chapter 3 choice. I definitely "chose poorly" my first run just because my MC was sick of the pressure, so she did some drastic things...

Oh, I will not anything spoilery if you haven't played Esmius's route! (You have good taste - Sirath is much superior, I agree! He's such a cutie character.)

I just did a re-play this weekend, so I'm fresh on the lore (but - I haven't played Nissa's route ever, so hopefully I'm not missing too much, she was a little too crazy for me 👀).  I was trying to summarize what new powers we found out about the demons/demonspawn...? More information on how the gems work/what infernal creatures can do through them, Eniri's strategy for acquiring flesh (even though I thought we'd seen this scenario in the modules at one time or another?), we found out ice demons are a thing, some more moral characters could be alive that might impact outcome (eehhh, probably a stretch...?), more on magic types available (Shar's light magic, divination, etc...)

I'm just trying to rack my brain on what the prize could be?  Esmius could do a "service" for Raze, but I'm trying to figure if Raze has anyone important left and I don't think he'd want to interact with Esmius going forward....? I don't really know Raze's motivation anymore.  Bright is dead in this timeline or wasn't romantically involved with Raze anyway. He's seems disinterested in most things, except his cats (doesn't seem to want a new human to follow?)... could it be Bright's necklace? Just so he has a back-up if he wants a new human "pet" later? But, I don't think it's that important. The necklace wasn't created for this Raze anyway and he could theoretically use any compatible jewelry in the future if he wanted a human "pet" again.  (I did notice that Janiya has a similar necklace to Bright... not sure what gems qualify - couldn't Raze speak with her privately if so inclined...?) I feel like I need to get out a tin hat at this point...

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Yeah, ha. I didn't think I'd be as excited for Kaiser, but he's kind of cute in a creepy way...

Nice, thank you for the hints! I'll try a replay soon from Day 3 and see if I can find it! (Unless it is one of the "end game" choices near the end of Day 3?)

Yes, I did play Ice Demon when it came out, but --- I'll be honest, I remember enjoying it, but I'm blanking on any relevant lore. Time for another replay there too! That's the timeline I was aware of too... must be a few centuries between this story and Bright's story though? I'm wondering how Raze got himself in this mess with Esmius. (Probably should play Ice Demon again ASAP and see if any clues...)

Edit: ........ALSO -- how does the MC know the RFA......? They hint multiple times that they know us before we are shot... gahhhh.

Oh, sorry, didn't mean to assume you were stringing poor Ran along, ha...! Are you going to do a Kaiser play through as well? (I'm curious what type of voices we'll get for the both of them for the final game!)

What type of character are you playing? (Saint, Snake, etc.?) I love that Lamb lets players be more gray/evil in our choices... hopefully we can make some interesting choices in later chapters...

Oooh, can you tell me what day it was that you went back to in your earlier save? I'd like to give it a shot.

Yeah, Elos was going to be my pick for poisoning (I agree with you - maybe working with Janiya? They seem like they have been in league this whole time...) because he was the one encouraging us to go eat breakfast and seems pretty obsessed with that bloody tree. 💀

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I have a feeling Ran is going to go cuckoo for cocoa puffs on us very soon 🫠 ... I'm being a horrible player and I'm seeing how far I can break him and Kaisar, hehehe. In your playthrough, are you stringing along both of them, or just going for Ran?

Haha, I about died cackling during the undead unicorn and the "mythic" re-telling of Bright's adventures. The unicorn was only in the NWN modules, right? (I haven't played the modules for a very long time, but I remember distinctly being very betrayed when that thing appeared, ha...) Raze being very annoyed at the re-telling was a cherry on top for that scene.

Do you have any theories on the bottles? I'm so confused on who is poisoning people... my gut is saying Kaisar is the person we've been tracking, but no clue really... (💕 Thanks so much Lamb, loving this story and all the crazy intrigue - I was glued to my screen!!! 💕)

Love the game, really enjoying the Patreon content too! (The interviews are really entertaining!) I'm most intrigued by Mr. Stalker.... the latest version of the game with their voice is really... um... nice, ha! I have theories.... (where the camera in our room is, etc...) anyone else have some idea on who Mr. Stalker is? I'm dying to discuss.

Thank you for fulfilling my long-haired Cove dreams.... ✨🐠🩴🍧

New scene sounds like fun! Thanks so much for the update - glad to hear you are both well and excited!

Such a fun game - historical fiction is my favorite, so this is an immediate winner! I enjoyed the music and sound design especially.

(Deigo and Jupiter are such cuties.... Margaret was hilarious and awesome too.)

Following you on here, looking forward to any future works you might publish!

Thank you so much for the update - hope things are smoother sailing going ahead for your team! Looking forward to exploring the new scenes! ✨

I'm still in my first play-through, but stopping by to say that I LOVE this main character - she is witty, ambitious, and smart as hell..... enjoying the other characters, but she is my favorite! Looking forward to purchasing the full game in the future!

Goddamn. My face hurts already... smiling WAAAAY too much at this!  So looking forward to the next chapter with Cove! 🥨🥨🥨 Much love!

I just replayed the current demo yesterday and was hoping you guys were doing well! Very excited to hear about the secret scene variations and music! Thank you for the update and wishing you both a lovely day. ✨

Get your anklets on everyone, stat!!!!!

I was having Cove withdrawals, guuuh!!! So exciting, thank you for all your hard work! So looking forward to this! 💖

Gaaaah, I'm so excited! I was wondering how this project and your characters were doing! Thank you - really looking forward to experiencing this lovely story and art. Hope you are well! <3

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Ok..... dying to play more of this gorgeous story! I've played through twice (1x being very gentle/supportive/loving; 1x being pushy/frosty/slightly cruel)!!!  The music and art style are really so lovely! The piano piece in the garden scene/intro to Mandra scene completely reminded me of Sevdaliza's song "Shahmaran" (such a beautiful song and video...someone else confirm they sound a little similar at the beginning so I know I'm not going crazy!) And I loved the "dueling" fiddle-guitar piece the brothers did too.

I like looking at the backgrounds and your characters are really expressive.  NGL, but I also have a high-key infatuation with Mandra. Gughhh. I want to protect both of the siblings. Mathias is so precious too.

  • What's your favorite character? Ugh.... it's a toss up between Mathias and Mandra? I die when either of them blush.
  • Did you try the different options, or did you follow only one path? Different options! I really like the variations you've built in to the game that I've been able to find so far!
  • What do you think of the black and white aesthetic?
  • Yes - it was very atmospheric and it almost makes me focus on the details more.
  • Would you like to see more colored CGs, like the one at the end of chapter one?
  • Sure, I don't mind either way! The art is really beautiful.
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Omg. I lOOOOVED the drama in this, ha. Totally living for it right now.  Mr. Worthington and Lady Harlow are my MVPs, haaaaa!

I'll try to go back now and play the other routes, but ma girl is like... "Dump that locket asap.... who needs him... and ditch that creepo guy who keeps stalking me in the woods, ha. I just want to go horseback riding everyday with my landed gentry hot husband, lalala!"

Not sure if this will be a free game in the end, but I'd happily pay for the final game/dlcs/etc.  Following from now on! Best wishes on your future work and happy holidays!

Forgot to mention -- Worthington very much reminds me of Mr. Knightley, love it!

I read your demo a few years (?) ago on COG. Recently read through the new demo and really enjoyed it again with some of the new scenes you've added! Very excited to see you have a page here now and I'm definitely following!

(Lothar is totes my jam. That man should be climbed like a goddamn tree.)

I'm loaded up, got the DLCs added in and have a giant smile on my face, so excited to start!  Have a fun play through everyone! :33333

Devs back up an around 8am PST release on their twitter too.

Just stopping by again to say I'm so excited for the upcoming release (I had it noted in my calendar!)~ Wishing you all the very best and thank you for jem of a game, really looking forward to the 16th! <3

Nah, a man that fine don't need a shirt! ;)

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WE GET TO MEET JUNE'S LIZARDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. I'm most pleased. She is adorable..... or uhhh, he.

Um, I SO want Cal + Traveler = ULTIMATE POWER COUPLE.  His flirt scenes.... *fans self* phew.....

And...... y'all, we're taking Vexx straight to Wakanda to "Un-Winter-Soldier" him, right?  Poor boy needs some professional help.

Can I just say.... whoever is writing the "Chapter Titles/Save Titles" YOU CRACK ME UPPPPPP. Theeee MUFFIN MAAAAAAAAAAAAaann.

Really enjoying the latest update... still playing through right now! Cannot wait until the full version is out & definitely looking forward to DLC too!

(Can I just say... Kyra is totally my hair goals at the moment... omg... I need that electric green in my life.)

I love Guy and this game. <3 (That's all!)

<3 No prob ;)

Just leaving this here for people who may need an extra couple of band-aids while we're all putting aloe vera on the burns we just got dealt....

One of the game's writers has some short stories they have posted here:

(NSFW! Keep in mind the rating on this work and the game in general, 17+!)

Thank you!!! I still need to go down his route and Ryo's. (OMG.... I need to replay now. Those are really cute Oppo!!!!...... Damon should be a devil though. >:/ )

Thank you!!! I still need to go down his route and Ryo's.

Frickin' tiger trap more like.... yeah, he's definitely on the naughty list. I went crawling back to Calderon.

Wait... how is Vexx referenced in the DLC???? (Did I miss something focusing on my other favorites.....? What choice do you have to make?)

Yeah, that was a belly flop on some cement....

Poor Junie. He'd definitely have to be on crowd control duty again. 

I wonder if Damon could be coaxed into making drinks... but I think everyone would be really suspicious wondering if he's just finally going to poison everyone.... or make them drink disguised krill juice...

What do you think the A6 crew would do if you threw a party onboard? (say, a surprise celebration for them for successfully finishing a tough merc job.) 

Like, we know Ayame would definitely have a killer playlist ready to go...

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Omg, I looooove that, haha! I'm dying imagining that....

What about CHUG every time June actually pulls his "HULK SMASH" trick on someone/something?

omg...I don't think my liver would survive that... 

Sip every time you see a "Bash" doodle/graffiti in the background?  (How has Calderon not kicked his ass for drawing all over the ship....?)

Can we invent a A6 drinking game while we wait? Ever time Damon "fingers" a blade, take a sip....

So excited....!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you! I was replaying Star Crossed Lovers to gear up for this, guh!

Loving the demo so far and I did not run into any bugs or errors during my quick play through!

I am going to run through again with some different dialogue choices.  Liking the connection to the NWN module with Ravage and looking forward to seeing how the story unfolds! Concerned about Raze right now.... Are we going to find out more about what happened up north with Lord Mace?

Gameplay Questions:

-Confirming - the shore area Brash mentions to meet at is not in the beta, correct?  I didn't see any "burning at the stake" areas at the shore area I was able to access...

-Also... in both my NWN and DH playthroughs, Ari did not survive (I just got sick of healing her in NWN and we did not get along very well in DH).  I assume we are stuck with her for plot purposes? (It's a bit weird with her liking Bright after my playthroughs, ha.)

-Will we be getting any items back from previous games? (Brash's gifts - brush and ring)

Lovely work and looking forward to purchasing the whole game soon! <3