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Anyone else got recommendations like this? I've played a lot of vns but I like the ones that aren't clicking simulators and more minigames/moving around the house to advance one relationship at a time. Please lmk if you got any to try!


Harem Hotel is pretty good. It does´t have minigames but the story is pretty chill and interesting in my opinion. Also there is variety of bodies but not fat or somehing like that. Not like other games that all the girls are big boobs and booty dolls.


The play style of Harem Hotel is good, but it would be a much better game if the dev weren't so in love with his world-building that he has to give you 200 page exposition dumps in every other activity. I finally got to the point where I lost all interest in the story and just started fast-forwarding through the text as fast as I could. It also hasn't updated in months.

Lucky Paradox is also in the same boat. A good game design and lots of interesting characters, marred a bit by excessive logorrhea.

I rather like Goddesses Whim and Peerless Lust, although the corruption aspect of the latter might not be for everyone. Lust Age is fun, but the overtly sexual dialog is a bit off-putting, IMO. Mythic Manor is not bad, either, but it seems to be update very infrequently, and has a lot of "not yet implemented" non-features.

School of Love: Clubs has a decent gameplay design, and it gives you a lot of in-game challenges to overcome. But it suffers excessively from sametimeitis, where pretty much _every_ important encounter only happens at noon, forcing a lot of frustrating grinding.

The one that I love most right now is A House in the Rift. It's by far the best of the dozen or so point-n-click ero games I've tried so far. The story and characters are great, and the renders are absolutely fantastic. It even has a similar premise to this one—guy trapped in a house with a diverse group of women. By all means check that one out.

based answers with based explanations.