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Great game!

* tutorial level worked great!

* wish S also worked for jumping X

* great levels, very interesting procgen

* very smart to use the red line to show the direction p's are moving

* didn't notice my health bar for a long time; maybe just put it above the moves?

* thought the red circle thing was "noise" level, not distance to hunter

* the moves felt just right, really sold the feeling of being flitty and outmaneuvering opponents

* wish I could do diagonal jumps off wall!

* Felt the game had a clear singular vision that was executed well!

* 3 levels felt just right

* Now that I know how to play level 1 feels pretty trivial

* nice animation on main screen to signify what the game's about.

* wish doors were colored blue so the objectives (key/exit) were uniquely identified by the green

I recorded my playthrough with don't-wake-my-housemate-quiet-commentary:


Oh thank you! Very good suggestions. I took many of them just now!

  • S works for jumping down
  • red circle now moves “in” rather than “out” – maybe that helps communicate this is the hunter seeking you?? this feature clearly needs to be explained better earlier on. lots of players don’t know what it is.
  • doors are now blue; agree players get confused sometimes about buttons and doors and it’s good to keep the overall objectives one color and other interactables a different color.

Diagonal movement I’ve thought some about but it’s not really viable in this version. It makes some hard assumptions right now about movement being essentially one dimensional.

Curious what you think about tuning it. It would need to be tuned to not be absurdly strong. Could just be the total distance is ~half of what you get moving in a cardinal direction to compensate for the 1.4 diagonal distance thing. Maybe handle via longer CDs. Hmm. Interesting balance question.