This is a really fun game! The gameplay was really fun and is the highlight, this can be used for a full game!
I also got a pretty good score!:
I do got one pretty big critique though, and that's the presentation/graphics
This game is supposed to take place in the future where the human race is pretty much extinct except for you and half-human-half-robot killing machines, but the atmosphere does not really convey that at all
You spend the game on a flat-gray map in the middle of a bright blue sunny sky, and that just does not convey "apocolyptic setting where last man on earth fights while taking down as many killing machines with him" at all.
And in addition to that, the actual enemies are just pretty basic geometry, and do not look anything close to what a half-human-half-robot killer machine would look like, and it kind of breaks a bit of immersion because you realize your just shooting at squares and circles
So for your next game, I think you need to spend a bit more time focusing on conveying a proper atmosphere and setting, it is quite important.
Everything else is pretty good though, so this gets an alright 7/10 from me!