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Genetic ArsenalView game page

Biopunk gun-building shooter
Submitted by Jasper Honkasalo — 1 hour, 23 minutes before the deadline
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Ranked from 17 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

What do you like about your game?
I really like the weapon customization system! You can create all kinds of wacky guns, with the 32 different implemented weapon attachments. I though about including a "creative" mode where you can just build and test different weapons, but didn't have enough time in the end.

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I am become death, destroyer of worlds


It was my dream to become the ultimate monster and in this game I was able to achieve it. As i delved deeper into madness I attached all the things and became a demi god turret, destroying everything in my path hahahah! 

Great job man, the mechanics are solid, there is so much variety that can be played with, i wish the enemies would have been a bit more interesting but overall great game! 


Very good and really frenetic. In the end I was trying to make beautiful patterns with the bullets instead of hitting the enemies.

I think you have made a good system that can be easily expanded with more bullet effects (I'm just imagining the possibilies, things like applying statuses or even a "repeat last n effects" effect would be cool). I think the selection of upgrades could be improved, for example I don't understand how the "reduce size" upgrade could be useful (and its icon is too similar to the increase size too).

I felt a lack of calm moments. I arrived at some point where enemies were continually spawning and I couldn't pause to think up my loadout. Also I sometimes picked up an upgrade by accident because the left mouse button is used both for shooting and grabbing.

I like it however it gets way too easy after a few minutes look at the picture :)


This is a really fun game! The gameplay was really fun and is the highlight, this can be used for a full game!

I also got a pretty good score!:

I do got one pretty big critique though, and that's the presentation/graphics

This game is supposed to take place in the future where the human race is pretty much extinct except for you and half-human-half-robot killing machines, but the atmosphere does not really convey that at all

You spend the game on a flat-gray map in the middle of a bright blue sunny sky, and that just does not convey "apocolyptic setting where last man on earth fights while taking down as many killing machines with him" at all.

And in addition to that, the actual enemies are just pretty basic geometry, and do not look anything close to what a half-human-half-robot killer machine would look like, and it kind of breaks a bit of immersion because you realize your just shooting at squares and circles

So for your next game, I think you need to spend a bit more time focusing on conveying a proper atmosphere and setting, it is quite important.

Everything else is pretty good though, so this gets an alright 7/10 from me!


I love it! You definetly need to develop it further. And shotgun is imba:


I love the chaotic feel of having to choose upgrades in the middle of the battle, plus all the various OP combinations we get to build, it's like every single upgrade matters.

Presentation wise, I know the graphics could use more polish but you've built such a fun and solid foundation that it honestly didn't matter as much while playing. Definitely something to look into for a future release after the jam perhaps


Thank you!

I will definitely work on this when I have the time, and add the required polish to get the game out of the prototype stage! :)


The gun customization is really cool! It was really fun trying out how different mods work together with different mods.  

Some minor things I'd change is:
-Make the tutorial text write faster, I was waiting for it to load instead of reading it
-Maybe have the game pause when you get a power up so you can read it, and decide where to put it. It was a little difficult to keep track of what did what while fighting enemies at the same time.

The biggest improvement you could easily implement in my opinion is making way more enemies spawn, and make them way weaker to keep the balance as it is. As a person who loves this style of game, I've found that blowing up 15 enemies that all have 1 hp and do 1 damage,  is significantly more satisfying than killing 1 enemy that has 15 hp and does 15 damage.

Anyways I enjoyed playing your game, love playing twin stick shooters in jams and you definitely a better and more creative take on the them than my own!


Thank you for playing, and taking the time to write feedback!

The pausing system is definitely required for a game like this with a lot of "data", that still remains on my to-do list up to this day.

The main reason I didn't get it done in time, was that I wanted to limit the time the game was paused without making you feel like you're "cheating the game" :D.

I originally wanted the game to feel like you made clever weapons to kill different types of enemies, but the priorities shifted a bit, thus making this a fusion between a few genres.

Thank you!


I almost never play games like this, but it was super fun and easy to pick up. I love how you get upgrades and are able to drag them into slots mid fight. The story and theme of the game is also awesome, and the music adds a lot to the experience!


I really like how insane this game allows you to be. I had to nerf my gun at one point by choosing weaker mods because it was spawning so many projectiles that the game was slowing down. I do think that this causes the excitement to die down after a while because you just kill everything. Maybe allowing the enemies to also get stupid powerful could be fun! The other thing is the UI was a bit big, but I like the idea of grabbing the powerups and upgrading mid-fight.


Thank you for the feedback!

The game definitely lacks a bit in balancing in my opinion, because you just can create so many different guns.

Your idea of letting the enemies get stupid powerful sounds actually really fun :D

I'm pretty sure my solution to this would have been a dynamic difficulty system (think Mario Kart), that adjusts enemy spawn-rates based on the weapons you have.

The framework is there to dynamically change the weapons the enemies have.

Also regarding the slow-down:

I didn't get to the optimization stage at all sadly, but the best solution would have been to use an ECS system of sorts. AFAIK similar games usually use one, because of the sheer amount of entities.

I tried to combat this a bit as I knew it would be a problem by not using any rigidbodies or colliders for the projectiles. They are actually custom raycast-based, with some clever render tricks.


Those are some good ideas, I think there are a lot of ways to do it as long as the enemies match up to your power. Regarding the projectile thing, I’m not really that technically savvy, but those seem like sensible improvements, and I like your implementation of the bullets as raycasts, it works well.


Very fun !! no time to read item descriptions


Perfect game for version 1.0 :)
But I think original things could have been added according to a similar style's game.


Thank you for the feedback! :)