Thank you very much for checking out my little game and for you feedback!
I agree with you completely on repetitiveness and lack of enemies/powerups. I was a little bit intimidated with the whole coding process after watching some tutorial videos, as my own coding abilities are at beginner level at best- my only formal training being Pascal back in high school, but that was more than 2 decades ago. I decided to start with something really small and simple that I thought I could actually pull off without getting too confused or burned out, and then just make more small projects incorporating more and more different and more complex aspects to learn just few things at the time. But it's starting to sound like an excuse, so I'll leave it at that. If I do make another top down shooter like this one, I think I would go with different stages instead of waves though, as that would allow me not only to make more diverse enemies, but add different backgrounds and themes altogether. Nevertheless, your observation is right on the money, the game does get repetitive and boring quickly.
On your second point, that actually never occurred to me. I know a lot of people have difficulty playing VR games- especially the ones involving fast running or falling from great hights- and some people get affected by camera motion blurs really badly. My girlfriend for example physically can't play Okami as more than 10 minutes of blurry camera gives her migraines. I never thought similar effect could happen from 2D games, and I will definitely keep that in mind moving forward!
Once again, thank you very much for taking time to try out my game and for all these suggestions how I can improve!