I've done the first two runs before I knew that the controller icon on the top left was the instruction panel. A good old "How to play" menu item would have been better to me.
I think that the mini map panel and the info box on the right are always needed, how can anyone play this game without knowing the next objective?
As I said I've done the first two runs without knowing what to do and I suddendly got the game over screen because I didn't have the two panels.
Also you said that the various characters had a difficulty factor but I havn't seen it anywhere so I randomly decided to lie or to tell the truth and it's never fun in a game if you don't know why are you doing something. And if they had a difficulty factor shown then how was I to know if I was able to pass the check or not?
The idea for the game is interesting, you have limited time to gain trust and money from your clients but I think it is underdeveloped. It doesn't fit the theme of the jam too much because the liar is the protagonist and not the game itself.
I don't want to be overly critical but this could have been a good game with a little more attention to its main features.
The pixel art graphics are cool and also the chiptune music but it needs to be expanded and refined a little.
Good luck for the jam!