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Ok this one is quite the gem, I won't lie. 

The sense of personality this game emanates is stupidly strong and I love all of it. From the aesthetics that are a mixture of cute and bizarre that I adored to the chaos of gravity switching and the little pieces of worldbuilding, they all just oozes charisma. Even the slippery controls felt so great and helped to stabilish this game as it's own being as well.

Granted, it takes a while to get used to how it plays, and my biggest critique would be that the game kinda throws too many mechanics right at the start, so it does feel pretty wild and unfair at first, but oh boy when I started to get the feels of stuff I was being pretty excited to see where I was gonna get accidentally pimballed into next!

I was actually gonna complain about how the gravity switches sometimes felt like they would accelerate or deaccelerate you at random, so I was thinking they kinda depended on luck more often than not, but I actually ended up understanding how their acceleration worked on the middle of the Pyreye fight, so one more reason the game should have gave a little more easing in with the gravity shenanigans, because since that boss revolves solely around it witouth much else to distract, I managed to actually learn how those things works

Speaking of that boss tho, I didn't manage to actually defeat it, I stopped after on the last attempt the game decided to softlock me into a random wall when I entered the room, and I didn't saw your comment about being able to reload the save, but now that I know I can get back to where I was, I'll definitelly pick this up to finish it later tho (Might make another comment if I find anything else worth mentioning by then, but I kinda doubt I'll have any other issues with it tbh)

Here's gameplay vid if you would like to see it:

(4 edits) (+1)

Thanks for playing my game. When I uploaded it only half of it was actually playtested so that one room between the boxes that you got softlocked in went completely under the radar. That other area you got stuck in near the pyreye boss fight... yeah, yet another victim of lack of playtesting. When you went to fight pyreye without the dash powerup, I began to worry as without it, they are the hardest boss in the game!  I can't for the life of me figure out how you managed to wrongwarp though,  I'll try to test it out when I have the time but I won't be able to remove it before the jam is over. I started the jam late and ended up having to rush to get the second area done. Fortunately this game has a large number of different paths you can use to reach the same destination.

Anyways, thanks for uploading a video! It allowed to me find a couple glitches I missed and places I'll need to work on if I make a full version. The random acceleration you spoke of is because the gravity rotates to the position instead of immediately snapping to it. Its not actually random but it is rather confusing.

Yup! I started to see how the world actually rotated during the Pyreye boss, I guess that was actually a good thing I didn't had the dash by that point then, since I had to rely solely on those (And I think the boss really works like that, despite the difficulty spike, wich could be a little smaller indeed lol)

Also, no sweat with the softlocks, I expect them on jam games, and aside from the last one, they were still close enought to the beggining of the game to be manageable (would have been even better if I knew about the R to reload thing tho xD), but yeah, would be nice to get rid of them


I managed to replicate the wrong warp glitch! Its incredibly hard to hit the ground at just the right speed and angle so that the transition bugs out and sends you diagonally out in room position. The glitch is really hard to perform, which means that you have the darnedest luck. Thank you for finding this really had to find glitch! If you hadn't posted a video I would have never found the cause!

As for the whole dumping of mechanics at the beginning, I tried to ease the player into the world rotation and slime at the home town and in the first two rooms out from the drop off. I tried to introduce a new mechanic every room (since they are so huge), but I think I may have overdid it a little.

Always a honor to put my luck to good use B)

Thanks for the replies btw! And thanks for the game too, of course x)