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Ya know what sir? This was fantastic. Great drakes, lovely, nice dungeon home, the pedestals may be a last minute touch, but they were still a welcome addition. Not only as psudo checkpoints to show how far in I was, and as guides, but also as nice breaks from the monotony.

You need to have confidence sir! This is what you accomplished in a limited time.

Look to the game Grove for example. It started as a very small game about a dragon explorer, getting lewded by slimes. That grew, it has multiple chapters, another game was made by the duo leading the project. You can accomplish the same and more if you put your mind to it because you have talent <3 God bless you!~


Thank you.

We'll see what the future has in store as far as making silly little games go. I've some ideas and with any luck some of them might be up here in a playable state sooner or later. 

One thing is at least for sure: I'd like to continue making small horny games for others to enjoy.