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A member registered Jul 19, 2020

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Fun. Well put together.

excellent work on this. Really. It's fun to play, the inclusion of a Shop makes gathering all those weapons and such not feel wasteful. The mechanics are crisp, the art is wonderful, the characters are great.

this is wonderful. I really hope development is going well for you, because this is awesome <3

This is absolutely fantastic~

Sad to hear, but hope things improve for you. God bless you  Thanks for making these and working on them so much.

It's definitely working~ Love your games. Keep up the good work <3

This game is awesome. I love it, but one big thing many of these songs...are so obscure, I've never ever heard them. Their original version, i hate, but this sped up, hyper version, I love~

So...thank you~ I get to hear some interesting music, in a format I enjoy, while staring at giant monstergirl asses <3  God bless you~

Just wanna say you're doing great. Please keep it up. The grammar fixes, the combat improvements, the dungeons, the story. I want to keep seeing this game improve, and become more. I love it. The characters feel great, love their interactions, even if wulfrick can be a tiny bit cringe at times, he's so cute and hot I can't help but love him. That and the moments where he has a genuinely smart thing to say makes him seem more like Ed from Ed Edd and Eddy. Seemingly dull witted and preoccupied, but then inspired in a blink and you'll miss it way. Not sure if that's what you were going for, but that certainly is how it comes across, and I love it. To say nothing of the way you're addressing so many things in the world, like the strange difference in tops to bottoms. 

Overall, just love how you're making the story go so far, with the demonic backstory and so on. I really want to see it continue and intrigue me. Grove, to compare one M/M game to another, has a simialrly gripping setting, very intriguing. I feel it almost drops the ball with the 'an ancient advanced civlization was here before' twist, but with your storyline, it being demons, and the Maneland being very advanced technologically, but a lot of that just not catching on, it has a very Roman Empire vibe to it, and I love that approach. The way the party gets stronger, and it's noticed by characters and plot points, it's so great~ I'm gonna keep playing till I get to Platinum rank now, because...well honestly, because I don't feel too well, and I'm not being asked to move boxes, so it's something I can legitimately spend my time on and.. yeah, I want to spend my time on it...Sorry for rambling. Have a great day, God bless you~

A very nice, interesting story. I am very glad that it exists. Very glad for the respeccing option. War ending was nicer than expected

Very well done~ Lovely little adventure, with some pretty good ai generated art <3

This is awesome and your art is not only cute, but incredibly hot. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. So very glad I found your game <3

(1 edit)

Looking great. if I could add two things, I'd say; Making being able to change classes a thing. For the Main Character and the bunny robot. I think that'd add a fun dynamic, since you could swap classes. At the moment, i just went full Damage, Ranger Ninja, and despite being squishy, because of all the nice full heal checkpoints, I don't feel stressed about healing.

Also, when selecting a key item, such as a bit of art, maybe you could make it Return to the key item location. But because of RPG Maker being finicky, I understand if that's not a thing that is easily done.

Either way, nevermind, love the game. The first game was amazing, and this one is shaping up nicely.

Also Merry Christmas!! <3

This looks great, and honestly, I had no idea you wanted to be this adventurous with it. I am very impressed.

cute art. but my goodness this raised my blood pressure from the frustration .

Just wanted to say your work is awesome, the game is fun, the sceens are hot. Love what you're doing, thank you for doing it, and hope lots of people are supporting you <3 <3 <3 God bless you~

It's got potential but it seems very buggy and broken with a few things. Like for me, whenever I talk to captain morrigan about fishing, it won't let me move, or do anything. Then i can't really do anything like end the day or conclude exploration and so on.

I'll try it again if you update the game, it does look like it has potential. Personally, I was expecting a more...'lewd' transformation, than just...worms and spikes coming out of peoples faces. But that's a personal issue, it did not detract from the story or fighting.

I guess I'm a bit spoiled since I played so much of Grove and other games like that. Either way, hope the coding is going smoothly

So...first of all, smooth controls, great gameplay, great premise.

Second of all, amazing music, I am a huge sucker for westerns, with a twist.

Third of all....great personification of Death. The ending made me Cry, the story was great, the characters were all great, there's so much allusion to unfinished business even for Cotton.

Fourth and finally: Hot H scenes. Well done, 10 out of 5 stars. This deserves an award.

a sad game. I dont mean that disparagingly,  It's an interesting take on the psyche of a woman who's turned to this kind of life... The shame, the self hate, the anxiety and depression.

I could say more, but there's no need to go into a whole psychological debate about things. I'll just say good work. It's not my cup of tea. Reality is often harsh, and I prefer nice things, even if it's rape fantasy stuff, so I'll just say good work and move along.

The bad end made me sad, but it makes sense in terms of this being an SCP. Great job on this update. really. awesome work

Just finished your game...that was really, really nice. Good job <3 everything about it the game play, sound effects, music, character designs....Grade A stuff, thank you for making this.

a very wonderful game <3 nice art

honestly the idea of Hazards, like energy tentacles seems like a fun idea to add to make the platforming require even tighter jumps, unless you wanted to get grabbed ^^

can I just say, great update, great idea to let the player get more followers and potentially dismiss old ones, for composition reasons, or what have you. Keep up the good work because this is genuinely an awesome game. I really hope you add things like, more updated art, and such. I'm enjoying this immensely <3

Certainly am one of those people who wish you the best.  Coding and updating an entire game like this is a lot of work.  I hope you can find the time to breathe and relax inbetween tasks and duties.

This is..pretty impressive.Really. Got music, sound effects, a system that emulates Darkest Dungeon, with a lewd twist...I'm impressed really~

Eager to see where this goes. Great job and very eager for the next update. Excellent writing. Did not see any typos, the brief pieces of animation were wonderful. Can definitely see this being something I keep my eye on <3

Congrats to you~

Personally, I am so happy you added name tags to the character images, because at one point, suit swapping was a thing, and I really got lost who was who. I know the Text is colored, but...still was hard to tell.

lovely, wonderful story. A few typos but nothing too bad. Very cute, lovely art. Combat is smooth and wonderful. I hope your writing and drawing goes smoothly. I'm genuinely excited to keep playing and keep seeing more scenes. Love the options and everything, from the combat to the lewd furry moments~

while I probably won't be able to support financially, I will say I like your art style. Always  a massive fan of artists who bring Big proportions to the table in games. The storyline is sweet and I love a good mini game or some other component to break up a visual novel from just being a left click fest-- and the dialogue is sweet and charming. It's hard to pull off genuine charm now a days with everyone so jaded, so kudos. Please keep up the good work~

I actually am a fan of the trope of failure or success depending on the scene resulting in transformation. A very popular example is Flexible Survival's way of doing things. Keep up the hard work out there.

Welp you got me to read a visual novel. Not an easy feat. Good job~ great characters. The wording can sometimes drag a little but it's made up for with an interesting story and emotionally heavy stuff with the main character.

I'd personally hope for even more information on the surrounding lands, more exploration so to speak like the surrounding lands, but this is focused on the Valley so, I'm just VERY excited to see more <3 Especially of that hot demon~

Ya know what sir? This was fantastic. Great drakes, lovely, nice dungeon home, the pedestals may be a last minute touch, but they were still a welcome addition. Not only as psudo checkpoints to show how far in I was, and as guides, but also as nice breaks from the monotony.

You need to have confidence sir! This is what you accomplished in a limited time.

Look to the game Grove for example. It started as a very small game about a dragon explorer, getting lewded by slimes. That grew, it has multiple chapters, another game was made by the duo leading the project. You can accomplish the same and more if you put your mind to it because you have talent <3 God bless you!~

I will say it's unfortunate that a few things are bugged. Such as the deer pheromones costing 60 instead of 30, because the forgemaster double charges you.

Also if you complete the Wolyn quest in any way except pure Charisma, then it breaks and you cannot accept your reward for completing it. At least when trying to spare her.

an impressive bit of writing. Great job~

Hoping you plan on expanding upon this kind of design.

Really love the Onsen scene, to be honest, so I hope you don't change too much. Would love to get closer to both the momma dragon and her son~ <3

great work on this, hope things are running smoothly

Absolutely fantastic. This was an amazing nostalgic kick. The first mission. All of the missions really, were such great throwbacks to Star Fox 64's fights. Felt like I was back in Corneria.

Now, I'm not 100% rose tinted glasses. Some more work needs to go into it. Of course. Like ways to get stronger, which I see you incorporated with the Team adding bonuses. I love that. It also fits as that was a similar thing happening in 64.

Also the voice acting...could be a little tighter. But I won't harp on it. I love it. It's ...honestly something I've wanted since i was a kid. A game trying very hard to genuinely be like 64, but also it's own thing. The H scenes are wonderful, Siren is great. I love the characters so far. I hope you continue to work on this game and keep adding more.

It's unfortunate you had to use Unity, given all the controversy, but hey, it's just an Engine. I hope you won't encounter problems down the line. I know only one thing with certainty and that is God Bless You for existing <3

Ok, so...First of all, excellent little game, It functions. That's the first big thing. It's a point and click detective game, nothing too complicated but **It Works** that's an achievement

Second: Great DnD nerd terminology. Dispel Magic, Escape Dungeon, it. I'm a huge fan of that.

Third: I really think that if you toned down some of the imagry, like focusing on chests, private parts and strippers...You could flesh this out (pardon the pun) and turn this into something worth putting on Steam. Detective games are always a great little thing, DnD focus will attract a lot more people.

Fourth: this is a strange question, but why are you against AI? theres a lot of focus on that, but doesn't AI, whether it's art or other forms of learning programs, wouldn't that kind of be your 'thing' with all the Drone stuff?... Strange question I know, and I apologize if it's tied to some deeper ideology, but I just thought it was too weird not to bring up.

Overall Grade: 5/5 -- Keep going in this trajectory of writing up a compelling world. I want to KNOW more about the guilds, about the world building. That's a sign you've got my attention and interest regarding story~

Good updates. Coming along nicely. Hope life's treating you well.

the game (and these juicy, big assed images) is all looking great.
Absolutely approve of what I assume are AI generated poke gals. Fantastic work. Love every part of the game.