Honestly pretty fun.
Overall the character control felt better that the previous submission as moving and jumping is pretty smooth. And I greatly appreciate the coyote time as it gives jumps that extra little bit of 'margin for error'.
There is a minor issue with sticking to walls you even slightly touch after getting wall climb. Its not much of an issue unless you want to attack a rock. Moving into a rock next to you just faces you away, even on the ground so you cant actually attack it without first moving away.
As for level design the first half to 2 thirds felt great.
After getting wall climb I went east then to the north and looped back round to the west after getting cloud jump. Out of curiosity I back-tracked from the west path back round to the cloud jump ability using only wall climb proving that starting either direction would have worked. Honestly I'm impressed that there were multiple paths like this to get upgrades this time round.
In the latter portion however I got a bit stuck. I missed wind ride for the longest time, then after looking very closely at the map I found it in a room I missed. But when exploring the new paths with wind ride I found nearly every single path to be blocked by those thunder clouds. While not major I will admit that it felt a little bad that this new ability was immediately hamstrung at almost every turn by the requirements for another ability. I will also admit I was getting tired by this point so maybe I just missed something.
On a fun note, the teleport is a really cleaver ability. It allows for quicker and easier back traveling in a fun way, and comes at a point when basic navigation and platforming is getting a little tedious. i.e. letting the player break the game when they are basically done anyway. If it weren't for this ability I wouldn't have bothered with 100% completion.
I would recommend either pausing time as you throw the teleport lightning (like with aiming) or granting the player i-frames. When trying to use it to avoid the boss's screen wide attacks I would often get hit by the time the lightning bolt even reached where I wanted to teleport to.
Here's the order I found the abilities in if it helps:
wall climb
cloud jump
lightning bolt
boulder break
double jump
wind ride
super lightning (kill clouds)