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I had the same problem, but still getting ¨You can’t open the application “Celeste 64” because it may be damaged or incomplete.¨ Also using textedit and editing the extension after the fact.

That is the message you get if the file is named Info.txt.plist, so make sure that "hide extension" is off when renaming so you can make sure it's "Info.plist".

100% it’s Info.plist, but it still says damaged or incomplete

I think that I set everything up correctly, any reason why it could not be working? Thanks :)

(1 edit)

Only thing I can think of is the Info.plist file being wrong.

Nope, identical. Could you maybe send me a zipped file of everything complete, I've followed the instructions several times trying different things and don't know what the issue could be? 


pretty sure info.plist is being saved as RTF (rich text format) as you can see in the icon of the file in the screenshot you posted. in TextEdit, you can do Shift + Cmd + T to switch between plain text (.txt) and rich text (.rtf)

Thank you so much, I didn't even know that could be the problem. Works perfectly <3