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Thanks for your comment! I agree on the hit feedback, I added the enemy sound for that but it needed more than that. 

On the pathfinding, it's actually my AI that's a bit badly designed, I tried to make them hide in the darkness when seen for the first time and after a few seconds try to approach again and actually attack, but I didn't balance the times and speeds of their movement so they were weirdly passive sometimes or if you gave them enough time then very aggressive.

I knew the controls would be a divisive subject and I understand why many disliked them, in part, I'll keep joking that it goes with the theme by being an aberration of controls 🤣

I wanted to implement more enemies and a more interesting level, but sadly I wasn't as efficient in managing my time for the jam. And don't worry about it, I don't really get  stressed about other people's behavior, In the end, they are the ones showing the immaturity in their behavior 🤷🏼‍♂️so that doesn't concern me in any way