Hey thanks for playing!! I had a lot of fun with this one and I agree the story feels more than a little too vague. That's alright, I have plans to fix it in the future haha. There's things that were cut simply because of time, as it often goes in jams.
I feel a bit silly about the credits. I do everything, haha. And what little I don't do I really go out of my way to acquire them from sources that are creative commons use / no accreditation required. And then even then, I edit them to make them my own truly. I did the main title credits song and one of the mini game songs entirely on my own and then everything else is multiple pieces of music I downloaded from freesound dot org and then layered and edited and made loopable, etc. Some I changed a lot, some I only changed a little. But all were edited for the game and acquired correctly. I have a lot of weird anxiety about doing credits but I worry about exactly this - that people might think I'm stealing others music without giving credit. I'm figuring out a new music editing software so I'm hoping for most of my future projects I should be able to do almost all of it entirely on my own! But I suppose ME knowing it's all done by me doesn't actually help anything if I'm not making that clear on the game page.
Thanks again for giving it a go! I wanted to make something that wasn't really deep or tragic this time, just something spooky and a little ephemeral. I really like choice based games so I'm sure when I'm out of jam mode I'll come back to this style of story telling, I had LOADS of fun with it, haha.