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I was looking forward to play this game as I read some good reviews about it. Today was finally the day and I will definetly play again. 
The character creation was something I was looking forward to after  reading the game for the first time. The confusing thing for me was how long my entries became for some of the cards. I said to myself to keep it short, but the good thing in playing alone there is only one person to judge you. I liked the tone, especially the advice as if to write a fairy tale. This gave my text a twist which other games do not have.

I did not like the throwing of coins, mainly because somehow I never learned how to properly throw them. I did not want to interupt my run to change to dice, but next time I will find an alternative for it. 

The cherry on top was beeing able to read the design notes. Recently I became more interested in how games are designed and it was such a delight to read it after playing it. Thanks for sharing it.


thanks! if you want a dice-based alternative to coins, you can roll six-sided dice and count odd numbers as tails and evens as heads!