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A member registered Mar 09, 2022 · View creator page →

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Gebrochenes Licht, geplatzte Träume 
Besonders Dorothy hat es mir angetan, sie hat soviel Geschichten auf Lager und eine der Kennerinnen zum Klatschthema gemacht! Im Café direkt vor allen anderen nach der neuen vermeintlichen Liebschaft gefragt. Sie wird auf jeden Fall noch öfters auftauchen.
Ophelia wurde von einem mysteriösen Anrufer bedroht (sagt sie) und musste deswegen sogar das Hotelzimmer wechseln! Es war ein spannender Fall und unser Dale Cooper hatte ein verstörenden Traum mit einem sprechenden Haus.

At the beginning of the game you ask the others questions, I think you can use the sheet to take some notes for that and see the order of who is going to ask.  

(1 edit)

Meine Lieblingsstellen im Zine sind der fantastische Umschlag (sehr coole Idee!) und die gemütlichen Aktivitäten am Ende. Vor allem die Atemübung beim Teetrinken hat es mir sehr angetan. Ich hoffe auf eine zweite Ausgabe und bin schon sehr gespannt wo es die Krimikennerinnen dann hinverschlägt.

Ich mag das es hier auch Fraktionen unter Wasser gibt und insbesondere die Zauber finde ich sehr spannend. Freue mich schon den Schauplatz auf den Tisch zu bringen! 
Ich fand nur die Schriftart etwas irritierend, da fehlen beim ö und ü die Punkte jeweils, aber das läuft finde ich unter künstlerischer Freiheit und ist ja nur bei den Überschriften.

The mouse is so adorable, I was so surprised to find it and the outfits were a blast!

Really loved to help the chickens, cute little game.

Super Projekt, ich bin ganz begeistert wie viele schöne Fälle zusammengekommen sind. Super das auch ein Fall ohne Mord dabei ist, den werd ich in der Hinterhand haben falls ich eine Runde habe die ohne Mord auskommen muss.

Der Kaffee mit Schuss klingt super,ich hoffe den Fall bald leiten zu können. Bin sehr froh eine der handkolorierten Ausgaben aus dem Wettbewerb zu haben.

Einen Abend Glühwürmchen fangen können! Es hat sehr viel Spaß gemacht und ich find die Bilder sehr süß die bei den Kronleuchtern hängen. 

I had the chance to get this on the table as we were by coincidence fewer players last game night. We had a lot of fun with it and a few times the X-Card was used when we got carried away to much with the graphic desciptions. Liked the chance to be a doctor laughing evil or in my case learning that I was not second best as I thought, but 3rd best (out of three), bad luck that day for Doctor A.

Will defintely play it again if I find players to enjoy this silly funny thing.

There were some minor things that might have been caused by us beeing second languague English. First of all I did not think it through and pulled the scrabble stones out, but we have a german scrabble so there were letters which were not in the table (e.g. ü), so maybe this is a good reason to come up with additional german entries before the next time I play it if I get a chance to it. For this time we just treates them as the letters they are similar to (ü = u).
Second one was us maybe overthinking stuff a bit (a lot), for example the order for things happening when was sometimes unclear. For example O says this round your roll is a 5, does this take part in the roll phase or during the resolve phase? It makes a difference depending on what the others played.
Another one was that in case you roll a 0 it is a critical success, we played it as the player than uses the ultimate gene ability and is also the first one to resolve gene effects, because we think it is a ten on a die, was this correct? Treated it the same for the damage dealing. Because at some point during play we confused ourself if this might be treated as a zero (we think that makes no sense using it as a zero).

Another interesting combination where we were struggeling: Player 1 has a 9, player 2 an 8 and player 3 I think a 5. Player 1 resolved his gene effect, Player two has a Y as a gene and is now the highest roller with 12(or would this have to be done during the roll phase already?), player 3 has played an N and the player right is player 2 which now makes his roll a 10? We were not sure if we got this right.

As we got so confused it might be helpful to have an extra column right next to the genes to say if they are used in roll phase or not, as usually in roll phase the genes would be still face down in the prep zone.

Question for R - in case the player using this is the lowest roller, that player immediatly gets two point damage directly to the HP, correct? We played it this way, which caused a hillarious ending as just 2 HP were left for the abomination for that player.

Question for Z - this means having two rolls, in case the rolls are the highest and the lowest, would that mean you have to deal yourself damage?
We assumed this is not a permanent effect, but might it be permanent?

If you read this far, our round started with every abomination having a U in their genes, hillarious! We learned a new english word we would probably never use, and we will be forever wondering which part Doctor Y put in his ceartion that resembles him.

Reminded me of the libraries in my life, back to the one where I used to go as a kid. 

Not the creator but judging from a quick read I would say this would fit.

Pages are 44, two are blanks for Notes.

Auf Seite 23 endet der Satz im nichts, Thema ist Rückkehr nach Hause.

Such an interesting mechanic, we will definitely play it again with reversed rolls. Really liked that it is devided between the players to tell what is happening. 

One player is the noir and sets scenes with random inspirations from cards that are drawn. The other player is an aracane detective who rolls dice to find clues. As the noir the only roll to make is at the beginning, and there is a page with helpful names, locations and such to narrate the scenes.

We came across minor things that were not totally clear to us. In our game we only let the detective explain what happens if he had a six, but afterwards I thought it would have also been interesting to tell every outcome by the detective, no matter what he rolls. 

In one roll the detective had two 6, would he have gotten two clues? We played that only one clue was gained, because it was early in the game. But in the end I thought he should have gotten two clues, because our game ended due to exhaustion of the detective.

I am not the author of the game but I think I would run this with my usual gaming group size (3-5). I think as of the age range there is a small paragraph about safety tools in the file, which is mainly to ensure everyone is on the same page what they want in the game. As long as everyone who is participating knows what a Mary Sue is, I would think they have fun.

I am not the author of this game, but I think I would run it with 3-5 people. As for the duration I would think you could tweak this fairly easily. In the preview you see the playing the game page, and the adventure ideas in the pdf are short descriptions. In case you only have a limited amount of time you could just run a shorter idea for the story.

Short game but made me think about the used paintings and how they were contructed. Really liked the credits page, as I was unsure if there was more or not. Explored the eyes a bit to think about the game title.

Just came across this game by accident and like the idea of playing a puzzle every now and then in the browser as a disctraction. Interesting choice of artwork, like the idea of getting to know the painting more while doing the puzzle.

I am not familiar with the stats, for which game are they?

Will we be informed via the itch page due to an update of the game or how would it work? Not sure if you know this yet, I am just curious.

For me the download button from the bundle page still worked, maybe this might be a way for you as well.

Ein bisschen tricky den Überblick zu behalten und eine ganz schöne Rechnerei, so viele Sachen zu beachten! Ist sehr kurzweilig und ein guter Zeitvertreib für Zwischendurch.

Quite a moving experience. I am interested to play this again in maybe a year or so, to check how the story would change for me. Especially on the parts where I was asked to do certain things.
On first glance before playing I thought this will be a fast playthrough as I saw there is a lot of art and not necessarily a lot of advices. But I was wrong, there was some stuff to think through and to unpack. Liked the melancholy vibe as well.

Finally playing a couple of the games from last years bundles, I am so happy this was a part of it. I was quite moved by the story and the surprised that kept appearing. I only glanced though the artbook, will definetly read through it the next days. Really like to read the different path, but for now I have to take in the path I chose and think about it a day or two till I can get to read the rest.

Gespielt tatsächlich um Weihnachten rum, aber gestern gemerkt das ich hier noch gar nicht kommentiert habe. Wir haben vor Ostern was anderes gespielt und dabei ist ein Charakter wieder aufgetaucht, den die Gruppe in Humbug! erfunden hat. Sie haben einen Händler überlegt der mit dem Spielzeug zu tun hat. Der ist jetzt quasi etabliert als der Auftraggeber von dem man die Questen bekommt.

I checked the rule files and they seem all to be from 2020, is there an update to this? Because the point is still valid that was taken as the rules say roll under and that lower is easier which makes no sense. The relevant part is in the core rules -Situations - precentile dice.

Sehr weihnachtlich und es wurde ein Rüstungsteil gefunden was seitdem nicht mehr hergegeben wird. Das schöne ist ja bei den Itemkarten, dass man durch die unterschiedlichen Farben dann auch sieht aus welchem Abenteuer man welche Items hat. Das Abenteuer hat zeitlich gut in einen  Nachmittag gepasst. Ich überlege es dieses Jahr zu Weihnachten vielleicht nochmal mit einer anderen Gruppe zu spielen. 

My favourite name is Legbert from now on. Really liked reading this.

I am not able to talk to anyone, I do not manage to pass the woman in the main hall to get to other rooms. Is there a trick to do this somehow? I watched the linked youtube, but this does not show that part. It just says talk to anyone. I can not take the secret passage in the library, I guess I am missing a dialogue there somewhere.

The menu looks so delicious, I immediately wanted to go baking in real life to taste the dough. Really want to go to a bakery now after playing it.

Had some fun time trying some worldbuilding and discovering places on the map. Discovered that my mapping skills are nearly none, but I am happy with my map and what I wrote. It is hillarious, my mountains and trees look very close and using colors made it even worse. I even managed to draw in the wrong squares and needed to correct my notes after that. Would be a perfect map to hand it out to players to confuse them and have some fun with it. 

As a side effect I had some interesting thoughts about what counts as a landmark. I had drawn some clubs for a lot of empty fields and once I was discovering a vulcano I was wondering what other landmark could be remarkable besides a vulcano in the same field. Quite inspiring for future sessions with other systems for landscape or map descriptions.

Got it as part of a bundle and only tried it because it has a witch theme.I got quite ambitious but had to give up on a level because it just seemed to be undoable. Nevertheless I would recommend to try this out as most of the levels were quite fair and doable with a bit of training. The graphics are so cute, even if the witch is so tiny.

This was way too long on my to play list, somehow I never found the time to play and I regret playing it so late. This was such an easy one to play, as the questions formed an interesting story while answering all of them. Especially the connections between the visitors were so interesting to explore.
I had to translate a few words here and there as English is not my first language and this way I learned new words and new brews. I would recommend translating the supplies first, in case you do not know all of the words. It distracted a bit from the story to find the right translations for them, but on the other hand this gave some time to think about the brew and the visitor and maybe why they brought this kind of ingredient (looking at kawakawa leafs). It was quite funny as I only had visitors in the shop who either brought ingredients or had no side effects at all, this was so strange.
Will play again for sure and I am eager to try out the two player version as well. I need to see the other effects of the visitors that I did not meet.

Really liked to see so many different playthroughs. Read them after my play and enjoyed the different outcomes so much. This was especially interesting as I was not sure how long the entries for the visitors were supposed to be. I know you can always adapt and expand or shorten in solo plays, but I got some inspiration to keep the entries a bit shorter for my next play. Mine tended to be a bit long for my taste.

I understand this comment quite well. Had the same issue when I came across this game for the first time. What helped me was trying out some other solo ttrpg games to figure out how to play solo in general.

I was looking forward to play this game as I read some good reviews about it. Today was finally the day and I will definetly play again. 
The character creation was something I was looking forward to after  reading the game for the first time. The confusing thing for me was how long my entries became for some of the cards. I said to myself to keep it short, but the good thing in playing alone there is only one person to judge you. I liked the tone, especially the advice as if to write a fairy tale. This gave my text a twist which other games do not have.

I did not like the throwing of coins, mainly because somehow I never learned how to properly throw them. I did not want to interupt my run to change to dice, but next time I will find an alternative for it. 

The cherry on top was beeing able to read the design notes. Recently I became more interested in how games are designed and it was such a delight to read it after playing it. Thanks for sharing it.

Really liked to read through the playthrough of someone else, thanks for sharing it. I also enjoy that you have written which and how many cards you have draw. I think I draw a couple less but felt it might have been more after ending the game. 

13 Tage habe ich durchgehalten und dann gemerkt ich habe einen Fehler gemacht, also nicht mein Charakter sondern wirklich ich. Ich habe zwischendurch beim Spielen ein zwei Pausen eingelegt, weil es sich an den Tagen nicht ergab weiterzuspielen. Jetzt fehlt mir der Punkt wann ein Ritual abgehalten wurde. Ich vermute ich bin beim Aufschreiben nach dem Füllen der Unheilsuhr abgelenkt gewesen und hab nicht das Ritual, sondern einfach den nächsten Tag beschrieben. Jetzt hätte ich aber in der Konfrontationen Tabelle etwas mit dem Ritual beschreiben sollen (Eintrag 13). Ich merke also wenn ich einen zweiten Durchgang mache, muss ich mir genauer notieren was den nächsten Tag ansteht. Oder gleich im Anschluss den Eintrag für die Unheilsuhr schreiben. 

Mir hat es auf jeden Fall gefallen loszusegeln, es gab zwischen durch ein paar Komplikationen. Ich war unsicher wo die Route langgeht und wie schnell so ein Schiff denn damals war (google war nur bedingt eine Hilfe). Auch war ich nicht sicher ob wir zwischendurch an Land gehen, zumal die Vorräte irgendwann verdorben waren. Hab beschlossen wir gehen nicht an Land. Nachdem die Piraten die Hälfte der Crew abgeworben haben war eh schon fast alles verloren.

Ich werd auf jeden Fall nochmal einen Durchgang wagen, ob nun mit Menschen oder Mäusen wird sich zeigen. Würde wieder mitsegeln, daher empfehl ich das Spiel gern weiter.

We had some fun after a nice lunch trying to spot things to lead us to unexpected turns to have a longer walk before we head home. Turns out the zine always pointed in directions bringing us closer to home, we had such a laugh. There were a few things we thought we would not spot, but on our way back we spotted some of them. We also had a fun debate if roses count if their are not blooming yet (we decided no).

Will definetly try it again. Maybe I even try to adjust it to my native language and things I could spot in the city.

Thank you for the clarification, that makes it clearer for me. A printer friendly version is a really good idea as well!

I like the concept that the group needs to agree who they are and also what kind of rumors there are about the haunted house. Seems to be easy to start from a GM point of view.

It seems I am missing something to understand how the dice rolls are supposed to work. Under Dangers and Risks skills and talents are mentioned, but only there and not before under character creation. Is it meant in a way that a guest usually have one die plus one from the matching role? Or is it meant in a way that guests write down a few skills and talents to their liking before starting the game?

Not sure how to run this as the host. Are manifestations of evil and rewards supposed to be combined? Also the  ... at the end of the table for the dice rolls are unclear to me. Are they for inspiration or are they meant to combine with something I am overlooking?