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(1 edit)

Here we go! (as Mario would say)

I listened very carefully to your two pieces.

I could be wrong, but in my opinion, it took you less time to make Celesta than Wicked-Pine. Celesta sounds more organic, more instinctive. It may be 7/8 (which I count as 7/4, but those are musician geek details), but it's very fluid to listen to. The melody is beautiful, and the syncopated rhythm of the violin and celesta is very well composed. Really, I love this music. You've managed to do what seems to me the hardest thing of all: make music with an unusual signature that sounds "normal". Bravo for that.

Now to Wicked-Pine Wood. Here I heard a technical demo. I'm blown away by all the 7/8 patterns you've come up with. You can tell you've had fun with the constraint. But since you're in explorer mode, you're losing a bit of your artistic flair. But some passages are really good, especially from bar 21 onwards, with that kick-ass medieval atmosphere! The picolo melody is so cool!

In short, it's very good, both technically and musically, but as you'll understand, I have a huge preference for Celesta's Cold.

Thank you!

Your analysis is completely correct. Celesta was made in shorter time and made more instinctively, and I agree that the melody sounds surprisingly "normal" (still I have little clue as to how I managed that!) I actually got inspired by this jam to now make a 11/8 song sound normal - wish me luck, I'll need it...

I am glad you liked my melody in Wicked! I like using flutes in my songs, but my version of Musescore does not have that good flute-sounds; that is why I only used small burst of high notes for this flute, as this sounds pretty decent. This song was my initial "exploring", and Celesta was the result of me wanting to do more.

Thanks a lot for the honest feedback, it helps me grow into a better composer :)