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I'm not entirely sure what to make of this game; it comes off as somewhat disorienting. That might have to do with the way that everything's tutorialized; maybe this is just me, but I think it would be better if the mechanics and locations are gradually introduced to you as you play rather than having a big tutorial for everything at the start. As is, there were a lot of things that I didn't understand or get the point of. Why would I buy stuff from the store if I still have debt to pay off? What do I even buy from the store? What does my co-pilot even do?

The music and sound design also could've used some work and were honestly a bit distracting (I know when Erik Satie's Gymnopedie isn't transposed properly). The visuals are very well-drawn, though the locations seemed...I don't know, indistinct? I'm not sure how to describe it, but I often wasn't sure what kind of place I was in. There's definitely potential in here, but I think this still needs some work.


Thanks for playing and the feedback! Breaking up the tutorial is definitely something I'm going to look into. The co-pilot part is described in the cargo tutorial but it would probably be better to break it off into either a travel tutorial or its own co-pilot tutorial once you get one. 

The game is definitely a bit of a create your own fun experience like Animal Crossing, so the items are really there for people who enjoy customizing their ship to fit the look they want rather than being a crucial component. I'll take a look at fixing up the music and trying to make each location a bit more distinct. I'm planning to do a dialogue pass with NPCs too to help fill in some of the blanks about what each area is.