I am pretty dang pleased with the amount of stuff I got done today!
First off I added a menu button to go back to the main menu when you are playing.
Then I dug into making a bunch of donut bases and setting up the system so when you do the little dance it generates a donut. This is the thing I was most worried about figuring out and it did take me a while but I got it in the end. I also added a thing to tell you what flavor you got. It's just the base donut for now, next I will have to add the frosting generation and topping generation. The good thing about those is that I just need to get the sprites right, the code will just be a slightly different version of what I've got for the donut generation. The donut base has a score value, but I haven't decided how to display it yet, since I think I just want to show the score for the whole donut not each component.
Then I got it so that the donut you summoned also drops during the eating section. I may need to change how I'm doing this later when I add the frosting and toppings.There is a multiplier and each donut eaten adds 1 to it, but I haven't decided how I want that to be displayed either.

Finally I added another section and put time limits on each of the previous sections. All this area does for now is display the power level you get.
The next stuff on my todo list:
- get the frosting and toppings drawn and coded
- draw that shoe
- getting better (shorter) music
- make new backgrounds for each game section
- brainstorm what happens once you have your sweet donuty powers.