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[Devlog] Donut Witch

A topic by Jyzavi created Jan 08, 2017 Views: 1,568 Replies: 28
Viewing posts 1 to 17

Hello it is I, Jyzavi. I am making a game called Donut Witch. :V For this first post I am going to outline what I am trying to do.

My main goal for this jam is to get a feel for Game Maker Studio and hopefully have a finished game.


This is a game about a donut witch. The witch does a dance to summon donuts, then eats them to gain their power. Then the powers are unleashed.

The dance is performed by using arrow keys. There are nine moves in a full donut dance - 3 for the donut, 3 for the frosting, 3 for the topping. Each three move combo corresponds with a different power/flavor.

Then the completed donut will rain from the sky and the witch will run left and right across the screen to catch donuts in their mouth. For increased difficulty other objects might also rain down, like vegetables or dirty socks.

In the final phase, the powers will be unleashed. The donut will be a base 10, the frosting adds 5, and the sprinkles add another five. If two flavors match it will be a plus 1 bonus, if all three match a plus 2 bonus. The donuts value will then be multiplied by how many donuts were eaten.



This sounds really interesting! Simple enough to accomplish in the short time of the jam, but very fun and cute! Looking forward to seeing progress.


Thank you!



I got a lot more done today than I thought! Here is what I have so far:

-A main menu:

When you start the game I have a main menu. There is a play button to start the game, an info button to go to an info page about the game, and an exit button to close the game. The info page has a back button. They get bigger when you mouse over them and bark when clicked, in addition to their assigned task. I need to make a menu button for easy access back here from the game.

I also got the dancing scene set up, though I need to make a better background. The witch dances when you press the arrow keys, but it doesn't create any value to be used for donut shenanigans yet. There is music here but I think I need to adjust the volume levels. There is also a whistle sound effect for whenever you do a move.

I also set up the eating scene, which also needs a better background. The witch can move left and right but is blocked from running off the screen. I have a donut object set up with a placeholder image, but it still needs to be set to add to the multiplier when eaten. For now it falls from the sky and can be eaten. Eating it displays an effect, makes a munching sound effect, and causes the item to disappear. It also poofs away if it hits the floor before you can catch it.

I also added a broccoli item, which knocks you on your butt for a second. I might change the sprite for falling over and also have it penalize you more, since right now if doesn't count for much. May also add an alternate sprite so that sometimes it is a shoe instead of broccoli, but we shall see.

That's about everything I did on day one! Hopefully day two will also be productive, but then I have to face the donut shenanigans....


oohhh man i'm loving the feedback on the main menu so far! this is a really great start!


Thanks, I hope it turns out well in the end haha!


Ohhhhh myyyy godddd I LOVE this! A donut witch, that's so cute. I also love how there are different dances in order to get different donuts! I know I'd have fun playing around with this. I'm looking forward to seeing what else you do in this game!


Thanks! I almost can't wait for the jam to be done so I can share it! Almost... but not really.


I am pretty dang pleased with the amount of stuff I got done today!

First off I added a menu button to go back to the main menu when you are playing.

Then I dug into making a bunch of donut bases and setting up the system so when you do the little dance it generates a donut. This is the thing I was most worried about figuring out and it did take me a while but I got it in the end. I also added a thing to tell you what flavor you got. It's just the base donut for now, next I will have to add the frosting generation and topping generation. The good thing about those is that I just need to get the sprites right, the code will just be a slightly different version of what I've got for the donut generation. The donut base has a score value, but I haven't decided how to display it yet, since I think I just want to show the score for the whole donut not each component.

Then I got it so that the donut you summoned also drops during the eating section. I may need to change how I'm doing this later when I add the frosting and toppings.There is a multiplier and each donut eaten adds 1 to it, but I haven't decided how I want that to be displayed either.

Finally I added another section and put time limits on each of the previous sections. All this area does for now is display the power level you get.

The next stuff on my todo list:

- get the frosting and toppings drawn and coded

- draw that shoe

- getting better (shorter) music

- make new backgrounds for each game section

- brainstorm what happens once you have your sweet donuty powers.

It's awesome to see the game coming together! Will you be able to summon more than one type of donut at a time?


I probably will not. I can't think of a way to make that useful to the player. It would just end up making things seem more complicated and not really have a return value. The donuts ARE going to be more interesting to look at once I add the frosting and toppings, if that helps.


Day 3

Lots of tedious stuff today but I made it through!

First of all, I am super proud of this dirty shoe I finally made. Not the best shoe by any stretch, but it's mine and I finally conquered drawing one so there is that. Enjoy the shoe. Use it in your own game if it so pleases you, I hereby free this shoe to the world.

I finished making all the frosting and toppings and adding them in properly. Since the donut dance is a bit short and making it longer would be too hard, I decided to add a celebration mode. Once you have your donut summoned you keep dancing to raise your excitement levels. Then, in the eating mode, if you get hit by broccoli or the shoe, your excitement level takes a hit. The final excitement score gets added to your power level, which means if you get hit too often it will be subtracting from your score. I also made a new, improved cauldron scene for the donut summoning.

Then I got the donut for the eating part to properly display with the frosting and toppings on top. I also put a display for the multiplier you get from eating a donut, and of course have your excitement level displayed as well. I threw in an update to the background but as you can probably tell this one is only half done. Finally I quickly made a placeholder screen for displaying your power level at the end. I am probably not going to keep this but I didn't want the old cauldron scene hanging around any more.

Also, not pictured, I added some chill music to the menu and changed the dance music to a nice salsa. I also put a song for the eating section, but even though I tried a few different ones I'm having trouble finding something that feels right.

My upcoming tasks:

- Brainstorm what to do with power from donuts.

- Find a song for the eating section

- Finish new background for eating section

- Start figuring out how to make levels

- Draw some rowdy teens


The power level screen looks really cool. Basically what I'd expect it to look like if donuts and magic ever combined.


Huh, good point. I might keep it around then.


This is looking v nice so far! I am loving that good, dirty shoe in particular (and the new background). Can't wait to see those rowdy teens! :')


Thanks! Not sure if I'll get them done today but if not today then tomorrow for sure.


I'm waiting for game! You got me with celebration mode. You have cool ideas on mind.


Thanks! :V


I did a decent amount today but don't have as much visuals. First of all I finished up the background for the eating section.

Then I spent some time getting more sound effects in place and finally found a song I like for the eating section.

Next I storyboarded an opening scene and transitions between each section. Then I figured out what the third stage will be and storyboarded that as well. Not telling that part now cause I want to show off when I have more done. :P

Finally I drew up a list of what backgrounds, sprites, sound effects, and music I will need for all the new parts. After all that I finally took some downtime for once, but tomorrow I'll be back at it again.


Day 5

I didn't get a lot done due mostly to a power outage. Since I couldn't use my computer, I instead outlined the level system and story then sketched up some concept looks for rowdy teens. I feel weird about not doing much though and now that the power is back will probably stay up a bit to work on some of the art I'll need


I don't really have any pics or gifs to show off, a lot of work in progress stuff. I decided instead to post my to do list (including the stuff I did today).

Opening scene
Donut summon - 100%
Score reveal
Garden Map - 55%
Turtle scene
Bog scene
Boulder scene
Cave scene
Cave scene 2
Book scene
End scene

Gas Station
Room with a view
Book Page
Garden Map - 60%
Level display
Score frame
Ray scene

Rowdy Teen 1-13
Bog Tree - 100%
Burned Tree - 100%
Pine tree
Lantern - 80%
Bog fire - 100%
Steam clouds - 100%
House - 100%
Tall grass
Ray effect
Arrow icon
level icon 1-13

Rowdy Teen 1-13
Hop - 80%
Stomp - 80%
Steam explosion - 100%
Rumble - 100%
Rumble 2 - 80%
Boulder - 80%
Congrats - 100%

Garden Song - 100%
Cave Song - 80%
Opening Song
Turtle Song
Ending Song

I'm not making my own song or sound effects, so when they are partially complete that means I have the song/effect but haven't put it everywhere it needs to be yet.

As you can see I've got a lot to do still. :V Tomorrow I'm gonna try to finish the garden and all associated sprites, then I'll get to work on the teens.


No staying up late tonight as tomorrow is my first day back to school. Here's where I'm at now though.

Opening scene
Score reveal - 100%
Garden Map - 65%
Turtle scene
Level Select - 100%
Bog scene
Boulder scene
Cave scene
Cave scene 2
Book scene
End scene

Gas Station
Room with a view
Book Page
Garden Map - 65%
Level display - 100%
Score frame - 100%
Ray scene

Rowdy Teen 1-13
Pine tree
Lantern - 80%
Flame -100%
Plateau - 100%
Tall grass - 80%
Ray effect
Arrow icon 50%
level icon 1-13 100%

Rowdy Teen 1-13
Hop - 80%
Stomp - 90%
Rumble 2 - 80%
Boulder - 80%

Cave Song - 80%
Opening Song - 50%
Turtle Song
Ending Song - 50%


Woohoo! Hey, any progress is progress.


Yeah! As long as I keep chipping away I will have something cool to share at the end of the week. @w@


DAY 10

Opening scene
Garden Map - 75%
Turtle scene
Bog scene
Boulder scene
Cave scene
Cave scene 2
Book scene
End scene

Gas Station
Room with a view
Book Page
Garden Map - 95%

Rowdy Teen 1-13 - 10%
Turtle - 5%
Tumbleweed - 100%
Pine tree - 100%
Lantern - 80%
Tall grass - 80%
Arrow icon 50%

Rowdy Teen 1-13 50%
Hop - 80%
Stomp - 90%
Rumble 2 - 80%
Boulder - 80%
Wand - 80%
Paper - 80%

Cave Song - 80%
Opening Song - 50%
Turtle Song - 50%
Ending Song - 50%

Level save system - 10%


Didn't get a ton done today, was more focused on homework.

Opening scene
Garden Map - 85%
Turtle scene
Bog scene
Boulder scene - 15%
Cave scene
Cave scene 2
Book scene
End scene

Gas Station
Room with a view
Book Page
Garden Map - 100%

Rowdy Teen 1-13 - 10%
Turtle - 5%
Lantern - 100%
Cave - 100%
Boulder - 100%
Tall grass - 90%
Arrow icon 50%

Rowdy Teen 1-13 65%
Hop - 80%
Stomp - 100%
Rumble 2 - 80%
Boulder - 80%
Wand - 80%
Paper - 80%

Cave Song - 80%
Opening Song - 80%
Turtle Song - 50%
Ending Song - 80%

Level save system - 10%


Slowly but surely....Hopefully I can get more done tomorrow and friday....

Opening scene - 40%
Garden Map - 100%
Turtle scene
Bog scene
Boulder scene - 15%
Cave scene
Cave scene 2
Book scene
End scene

Gas Station
Room with a view
Book Page

Rowdy Teen 1-13 - 10%
Turtle - 5%
Signpost - 100%
Rock - 100%
Tall grass - 100%
Arrow icon 100%

Rowdy Teen 1-13 65%
Hop - 80%
Rumble 2 - 80%
Boulder - 90%
Wand - 80%
Paper - 80%

Cave Song - 80%
Opening Song - 100%
Turtle Song - 50%
Ending Song - 80%

Level save system - 10%


It's getting pretty late in the jam and even though my art isn't exactly high quality it still takes me a while to make and it's just not happening fast enough. So I pulled back on scope and am opting for a more arcadey progression than a story progression. I will keep working at it after the jam ends and update the game later to have two modes, but for now I just want to be able to submit a completed game. Here's my updated todo list, as I have been doing.

Opening scene - 60%
Turtle scene
Bog scene

Boulder scene - 15%
Cave scene
Cave scene 2
Book scene
End scene


Gas Station
Room with a view
Book Page

Rowdy Teen 1-13 - 60%
Turtle - 5%

Rowdy Teen 1-13 85%
Hop - 80%
Rumble 2 - 80%
Boulder - 90%
Wand - 80%
Paper - 80%

Cave Song - 80%
Turtle Song - 50%

Ending Song - 80%

Level save system - 10%

And some other code stuff but idk what to call it so whatever. With this reduced scope I will be able to have a short but fun game experience to upload and share. :)


Alright well I think that's it from me for what I'll get done during the jam. Please check it out here and let me know if you encounter any issues!