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A member registered Jan 06, 2017 · View creator page →

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Dog Animation Gifs -

It's been a while, sorry for the lack of updates!

This week I was able to get the majority of the final art done for the environment and the dog. Unfortunately, the dog animations are sort of lost in the video capture due to the lag. I'll try to remedy that by putting together some gifs.

I've finished adding in the second monster into the game:

Bad Channel

The vengeful spirit of a shut in that now possesses an old television set.

Bad Channel will start to act up and give the player 20 seconds to fight it off. This enemy takes a good bit more damage than Doorman (who has now been nerfed to be much easier to dispatch) and is meant to pile on the urgency as it requires the use of more bark energy to defeat.

To combat the chance of being overwhelmed by just 2 monsters, I've added in a dog house where the player can rest to double their recovery rate. This also adds in another element of strategy, as it is far removed from where two of the monsters spawn.

Work still continues on the remaining 4 monsters.

Thank you! The camera movement was a bit tricky to get right, but it worked out in the end :D

Thanks! The monster art is placeholder, so hopefully it'll get an upgrade!

Thank you! I have 2 so far, still need 4 more to go

Thanks! I'm having a lot of fun thinking of possible monsters to add in.

That environment definitely plays the part of a spooky setting. Great sprite animation as well!

Looks great so far! I like that you have working contextual actions for the interact button. And I also like the dog sprite, tail wag included. :D

It's awesome to see the game coming together! Will you be able to summon more than one type of donut at a time?

Hey everyone, I decided to make a video post for Day 2's progress!

I've implemented the first monster in the game, and have time based nights. I plan on spending a day or two planning out the next set of monsters to add in and wrap up the programming end of things. Then I'm off to create the final art, sound, and menus.


The art looks great so far! I'm always on the look out for whodunit games, can't wait to see more!

The controls for the boat are very intuitive, it looks fun already. Good job!

I love the overall design of the visuals, looks great!

Ah! I didn't think about that situation. In the final version I hope to have lighting effects, so adding in a few of those along with the sounds should help resolve that. Thanks!

Nice work! The perspective is really great! Almost has a 3D feel to it. Can't wait to see the final version.

Awesome! The addition of the hand movement is a great little detail that really helps with visualizing the controls.

Thanks! I wanted to make a game with a spooky atmosphere, but also wanted you to be active when threats appeared, so a dog chasing away monsters seemed the perfect choice :D

A Bark in the Night - Day 1

Day 1 was spent creating the basic game mechanics, specifically for the dog. I've heard anecdotally that if a character isn't fun to control in an empty room, it won't be fun to control no matter how many features you add in.

So I decided to dedicate the initial period of the jam honing the player controls. Currently there is still some adjustment to be made, but I'm honestly surprised it came out as functional as it has.

Basically the game works like so:

Monsters try to get into the house

Dog barks decrease their HP, and when that hits 0 they flee

Dog bark meter depletes with each bark, and you can't bark if it's empty

Additionally, Dog barks get weaker the lower the meter is

Bark meter refills slowly over time, resting increases the rate of recovery

While resting the camera slowly zooms in, obstructing visibility (In the final game, I hope to have sounds that alert you)

Protect the house until sunrise --> Next night begins

I've also added in a screenshake effect whenever the meter is full and the player barks.

(3 edits)

Development log for my entry - A Bark in the Night.

The premise: A dog must chase away unspeakable horrors in the dark hours of the night before they reach it's home. In the shadows, a cat watches menacingly.

Genre - 2D Sidescroller / Horror

Godot Engine

Current Progress:

Day 2 - Programming


Art/ Assets - 0%

Environment - 90%

Dog Animations - 100%




Dog Movement - 80%

Dog Barking - 100%

Dog Resting - 100%

Dog House - 100%

Monsters: 20% - 1/5

Door Man - 100%

Bad Channel - 100%



Cat - 0%

Game Components:

Main Menu - 0%

Time based rounds - 100%

***Story Cutscenes - 0%

End screen - win/lose (Maybe multiple endings)

1. Hi there! What's your name? Want to introduce yourself?

Hello, I go by Lion Heart! I'm an animator that's always loved games and decided that it was time to give them a shot!

2. Did you participate in the last jam we held? If so, what do you plan on doing better this time? If not, what's your reason for joining?

This will be my first time participating in a game jam!

3. What games are your favorites? Did any of them inspire you, or made you want to make your own?

Games like Paper Mario, Silent Hill, Alice Madness Returns, Fatal Frame, Megaman and Metroid Prime have always made me want to create games of my own.

4. Do you have experience with game development? What did you do/with what engine?

I have no experience with game development, aside from some minor Actionscript coding for web players and a small game project I started a week ago.

5. Tell us about something you're passionate about

I love interactive stories, and hope to create some of my own!