Hi LapoLinguini! You already checked my game! But in case you didn't know, everything in Shipkeeper was made by me, with the exception of the sound effects, which I obtained from Opengameart. Some fun facts you may like to know:
- If you got curious and checked the game's git project, you would notice there are various sound effects that have "_mod" at the end of the name. Those are sound effects I modified using Audacity. Simple but effective. One example: The cracking sound you hear when exploring the ship, is actually a door cracking, but adding reverb, making it slower and lowering the pitch.
- All pixel art was made by me. Here is something fun:
The blob was planned to be more like a monster that had the capacity of spreading, and it was going to have three types of blobs, the first one is the one in the game, which attacks with a spike. The next one was supposed to throw acid, and the last one was supposed to be the blob's core, and if you managed to kill it, the whole blob was destroyed. Of course, I didn't had the time for the whole thing, and only the spike one was made. XD
- I also made the music track for the intro! Of all my skills, this one is the most lacking. Most of the time I have no idea what every filter is doing so I just go with my guts and start adding random stuff until I found something that I like how it sounds. For the composition I'm a bit more experienced but everything is by ear, really.
I recently made a second track for the game's trailer, and I published them in my youtube channel
I started making digital music with Dance Ejay 7 (which is very ancient) and then tried Fruity Loops (which is now FL Studio) and it confused the heck out of me. Recently I started using BandLab and has been much more easier to learn. Still nothing professional tho XD My account there is called SilentCassette
- And finally, all programming by me, which is my actual profession. Did a lot of Computer systems and engineering and now I'm here doing games :p