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A member registered Sep 09, 2023 · View creator page →

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Good luck to everyone! <3

Wow! Very nice experience! I had to remove some effects that were making the visibility hard (thanks for putting them as optional), but aside from that, excellent entry! Reminded me of the good old Half Life. Hopefully we'll see more of this story in the future? :)

Only 1 HP left?! That's an unofficial achievement called "The Princess Way", Shipkeeper PrincessRei35 can tell you all about it XD.

Thank you very much for playing! If you are curious about where the game is going, you can check my latest devlog<3 I'll do my best to make it a full game :3

I liked the ambience. Looks like one of those retro 3d games, like Thief. Sadly I was not able to solve the puzzle. From what I understand, I had to put the pieces in the same position than they were in the town. But nothing happened when I put them in that order, and I also considered the orientation using the gap in the puzzle border as the gate in the town. I also noticed that some town people disappeared after a while. Anyway, nice entry!

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Thank you! Your game was also great! Nice art and ambience! Believe me, when I started programming it took me years to even get to do game programming. You are doing awesome, keep up the good work!

(1 edit)

Edit: Oh my, lovecraftian stuff, I'm so into this. Checking!
awesome! Let's trade!

Hi LapoLinguini! You already checked my game! But in case you didn't know, everything in Shipkeeper was made by me, with the exception of the sound effects, which I obtained from Opengameart. Some fun facts you may like to know:
- If you got curious and checked the game's git project, you would notice there are various sound effects that have "_mod" at the end of the name. Those are sound effects I modified using Audacity. Simple but effective. One example: The cracking sound you hear when exploring the ship, is actually a door cracking, but adding reverb, making it slower and lowering the pitch.

- All pixel art was made by me. Here is something fun:

The blob was planned to be more like a monster that had the capacity of spreading, and it was going to have three types of blobs, the first one is the one in the game, which attacks with a spike. The next one was supposed to throw acid, and the last one was supposed to be the blob's core, and if you managed to kill it, the whole blob was destroyed. Of course, I didn't had the time for the whole thing, and only the spike one was made. XD

- I also made the music track for the intro! Of all my skills, this one is the most lacking. Most of the time I have no idea what every filter is doing so I just go with my guts and start adding random stuff until I found something that I like how it sounds. For the composition I'm a bit more experienced but everything is by ear, really.

I recently made a second track for the game's trailer, and I published them in my youtube channel

I started making digital music with Dance Ejay 7 (which is very ancient) and then tried Fruity Loops (which is now FL Studio) and it confused the heck out of me. Recently I started using BandLab and has been much more easier to learn. Still nothing professional tho XD My account there is called SilentCassette

- And finally, all programming by me, which is my actual profession. Did a lot of Computer systems and engineering and now I'm here doing games :p

Hi! Thank you for playing! I have added everyone's feedback in my last devlog. I'm covering all the points you have mentioned :) Thanks for the review!

Thanks for playing! Yeah the space at the end must be kept pressed 3 seconds for it to work, I did it to avoid accidental space press but I do think I overdid it with 3 seconds lol. I haven't really thought about infiltration or stealth for the game, but I'll think about it if something interesting arises. I just added a new Devlog covering all changes that I'll be working on: the animations will be added, and slowness of the game will be fixed. In the next version I'm gonna make sure all these points are covered! Thank you very much for the review :)

It's an interesting idea. I managed to reach level 5 but after that it becomes tiresome, as the speed of the character keeps decreasing and just reaching to the fight takes a while. The interface was very confusing as some parts say that are available but can't be assigned. Also, adding a modified part, and then adding in another place a human part makes the mutation counter decrease for some reason.

All right! Lets trade!

Thank you! I'll keep on developing this one <3 I have received a nice response and feedback.

From what I understand, this game was made in two days, so is understandable that it has many design issues.


  • Art and animation are pretty good.


  • Camera is too far so every detail of the art is hard to see
  • Attack range is to short, attacking enemies guaranties that you will get hit too.
  • Colliders for enemies are weird, some of them hit you without touching you visually.
  • Spikes are not insta-kill, and there is no way of getting back from pits, so you will always have to wait for 3 hits to die.
  • Character is spawned from the sky, so if i was pressing movement keys, sometime it would result in me falling again in the pit.
  • The hint for hidden platforms is weird because if you fall directly over the heart, which is supposed to be your hint, you fall because the platforms are actually to the sides, forcing the player to guess where the platforms are (and it combines with the spike issue).
  • The bridge has a place where no longer collides with you, so it forces you to guess where the real platform is with no visual hint (and again, it combines with the spike issue)

Keep at it! It already looks good, it just need more time to work on the rest of the points. Good luck!

Lets trade!

Thank you for playing!!
I'm currently checking the various games I'm being inspired on to see if I can find a way to balance the combat properly, I would not want it to become a simple hack and slash, but to have a more interesting combat, still with moments of tension that justifies the inclusion to more powerful weapons, I do want to include to swarms.
Between some of my inspirations are Darkwood, Teleglitch, GTFO, ShipBreaker, and just recently I learned about Empty Shell. These following weeks I'm getting back to design phase to give proper time to it and see what worked and what not, and how the basic cycle will be implemented.

Thank you very much! I'm happy you had fun with it! This week I've been preparing some stuff, but I'm definitely continue its development. I'll be sure to keep you all posted with devlogs to show you how it will be continued.

Very interesting gameplay. Very nice art. Lovely music. It is a nice idea for a puzzle, definitely could grow into a full game. The only detail that needs a little refinement is the sensitivity of keys for movement; since it needs precision to advance in later levels, is difficult to center the character where it needs because event little key stroke moves the character too fast. Very nice job!

Very nice visuals and animation. Nice little story. The minigame was very confusing, so I had to go to the main page to check what was missing. Also very creepy and nice usage of audio and lights. The change between what was remembered and what really happened was very well implemented.

Wow! That's awesome! Lets trade!

Short but interesting. Nice art <3

I'm sorry, I tried but was not able to work the camera, my eyes got tired very fast. From what little I could play, it seems like the objective was to level down your character which was interesting. If you fix the camera, it will improve the experience by a lot. Good luck!

Ah! I see, I blew up that stash by throwing two land mines lol. I knew I was missing something XD Yeah, level design is very hard, specially for puzzles. Just until that level was when I got stuck. If I may add a suggestion, you could do something like this:

Instead of a free fall, make a little turn so mines get stuck in the first turn, but grenades can bounce. Use the inclined surfaces to direct the bounce to the stash, which will be achieved only if the grenade was shot straight downwards. There is still the problem where the player can understand they can actually shot downwards, but this could be an option. Awesome game <3

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This is a great game! Rather difficult but very good. Took me a while to understand the different techniques that can be used with the bombs. Sadly I got stuck where you have to somehow go up in a wall full of spikes. I tried wall jumping but the space was too reduced for allowing me to shoot the second grenade. I also tried to send grenades up there, but all my tries failed. Nice music which does not get tiresome. The graphics are nice for the style. I also loved the fact that you added the backstory for the goblin character and used his condition to build the gameplay. Certainly one of the most powerful goblins out there. I would love to see more of this game <3. Best of luck!

Lol, fell out the map

The game is graphically impressive. Gameplay wise needs a bit of polish. I feel that the exploration is being harmed by the oxygen feature. Oxygen keeps draining even when reading the computer. There is indeed various oxygen tanks, however not even 3 of them fill a complete oxygen bar. So exploration is very punished by this. Also it needs a list of objectives because I have no idea what we are supposed to do. I also found a spider, but then I died while following her due to lack of oxygen, and then I was never able to find her again in the second try. 

The setting already looks pretty good. Best of luck!

Thank you very much for the review! I'm definitely adding more variety to the monsters attacks. I want to achieve a satisfactory combat flow <3 The holes where the corpses spawn from have a probability of spawning from 0 to 5 enemies. That's why some does not spawn anything, and is totally random, just to keep you on your toes and play with your mind :v. Light bulbs also have a 20% probability of breaking, with some exceptions. Thank you for playing! <3

Hello everyone, to help with performance for streamers, I added a link in the description of the game for the windows executable version. I saw that for streamers, the WebGL was having issues. The windows version is exactly the same, so if WebGL is working fine for you, you don't need to download anything. Thanks for playing!

The story looks interesting. However, I feel the writing needs a little of polish. Most of the time, I felt like I started the second chapter, and the first one was somehow missing. I actually went and check if the game was the continuation of another one. This is because the characters are not introduced properly. For example:

  • Ji-Hu is first mentioned in "Where is Ji-Hu when I need him?". However, aside from his name and that he has a book, I have no idea who Ji-Hu is.
  • After that, It is mentioned that Cosmo must keep going because his brother is the one that can help him. However, just right after that, the next dialog is: "What has happened to Guishan", so I got confused, as I didn't understand that he was talking about the city, since the city's name is never mentioned in the writings until now. Yes, it is mentioned in the itch.io game's description (which I read later), but since is not inside the game, it gets confusing.  At this point, I have not made the connection of who's the brother. Guishan or Ji-Hu, or someone else.
  • After getting to the backdoor at the brother's house, Cosmo asks for two people: Ji-Hu and Sherbet. So it gets even more confusing. Until this point, who is the brother? Ji-Hu? Sherbert? Who was Guishan?
  • Then in the bedroom, Sherbert is sleeping in the corner of the room. But nothing else, so we still don't know who Sherbert is, or what it is. Because sleeping in the corner can mean various things:
    • A pet who is sleeping in the corner's floor.
    • A human who is sleeping in the corner floor for some reason (we are stranded in a weird world, people who is scared would usually sit in a corner to feel safe)
  • Then we leave looking for Ji-Hu and no explanation of who sherbert is or why are we leaving they alone.
  • At the office, Cosmo says: "Ji Hu, is that you? It's me, your brother." Right at this point, finally the connection was made, but it caused a lot of confusion until it was clarified
  • An then appeared Hakkun, which looks like a book, but is never explained what it is, is it just a book, is it a familiar.
  • Then Ji Hu says he is related to In-su, and again, nothing is explained of who In-su is.

This is why I say it feels the game is counting on me knowing already who all these characters are. With a proper introduction, the characters are better remembered instead of being abstract names. For example: the first point just needs something like this:
"Where is my brother, Ji-Hu, when I need him?" Ok, now we know who Ji-Hu is, and later in the text you can address him as "brother" or "Ji-Hu", and we will be able to make the connection.

As I said, the story is very interesting, just check those details for better story comprehension and it will be awesome. Best of luck!

Thank you very much for your review! Yeah, definitely the animations need to be completed. Actually, there is no animation at all XD. They are all just static frames. Some managed through animator, and some by a programmed control. Animations were going to take some time, and I decided to do just enough to feel the movement. The corpse was a special case where I just animated 4 frames (but didn't programmed attack frame, lol). 

The idea of the lamp was to have it use fuel, which I really wanted to add, so you could rely on other light sources like the candles and light bulbs. But well, due to time constraints, I was not able to program any of that, since it was going to need a fuel source (like Amnesia: Dark Descent) from where you could get more oil for the lamp. For the official release, I want to give real purpose to the lamp so it does not feel like you can just have it turned on forever.

As for the fixing stuff, I definitely want to make it more fun and interactive. Maybe integrate puzzles, use resources, etc. Make it feel like you are learning how repairs work, and make you feel like an experienced shipkeeper in later levels.

Ah! So much to do, but that's the fun part. Thank you very much for playing! <3

Totally! I'm gonna take my time thinking on fun mechanics for the fixes and the tools and weapons. I even wanted to add an inventory and the shotgun for this version (even the graphics were ready), but I run out of time XD

Omg, this is awesome. 20/10. Nothing to add, just fantastic humor, great graphics. A fun game overall. Loved it.

Not harsh at all. Thank you very much for your review! Slowness in the flow of the game has been an issue with a lot of players, I'm definitely gonna pay attention to it. As for the attack, I'm now realizing that I never specified that the character attacks towards the mouse cursor. So if your cursor always stayed in the same corner, you are going to attack towards it always. Thank you very much for playing! With all your info I'm gonna make this game grow!

I'm definitely working more in this project. I want to see it get to full potential. Thank you so much for playing it. It was very fun watching you go through it!

Thank you! Yes, definitely will add full animations <3 Also I'll make a rework on the fixing process to be much more interesting  <3 Thank you for playing! <3

What a chad! 60 games is already an insane amount.
Here is mine! Thank you! I'll check yours :3

Thank you! Yes, I took that movement style from Teleglitch, however, teleglitch does not have limited vision, so when the character moves to one side or the other, it does not feel weird. So now I'm checking how it was done in Darkwood, which implements vision cones. I will definitely improve that movement, and action times so it does not feel that slow. Thank you so much for playing! <3

I'm in the same boat. I was checking the Creative Commons licenses, and this could be an option:


CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Deed

Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International

You are free to:

  1. Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
  2. The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.

Under the following terms:

  1. Attribution — You must give appropriate credit , provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made . You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
  2. NonCommercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes .
  3. NoDerivatives — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you may not distribute the modified material.
  4. No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.

Well, the graphics and models were interesting. However, I think the gameplay need tweaking. In the instructions it says you have to keep silence, however, you can only run making sound, and you are given a pistol. So if you have a pistol, then shooting the wolves should be an affordable option, however, killing a wolf takes too much shots, and if the wolf gets near you, it is an instakill. Peeking the edge of the wall also makes wolves follow you if they see you just for a bit. In other words, you have to remember all the wolves patterns, and also avoid most of the time the use of the weapon. Since your steps always sound, there is no real way to know how far or near the wolves can hear you. Maybe add a walking option to walk slowly when near a wolf could improve gameplay. The pistol need a better usage. It could be that shooting a wolf in the head is an instant kill, but it also attracts other wolves (you could hear a howl when they notice you from afar) and you could use the maze alternate paths to hide from the wolves when they come to investigate the place of the shoot sound. Add a peeking option from the edge that allows you to see around the walls, with a small time of invisibility in case you have a wolf in front. I think those additions could make the gameplay more interesting.

Best of luck!


It is short, but looks like the beginning of an interesting story. Liked the pixelart and the movement was pretty cool. The dances at the end were fun to watch. Very nice implementation of filters. Combat wise, I think it has room for a lot of improvement. Also, enemies had too much health, which made the fighting sequences a bit tired. By the looks, perhaps is your inspiration based on Dust: An Elysian Tail? If not, I highly would recommend getting the game and studying it, or watching videos about it. You can learn a lot from it. Best of luck!

Man, that really sucks. I have been so out of world news (for mental health) that I didn't even know this was happening to Cuba. I really wish the whole situation gets better. I'll be sure to check your game. Greetings from Mexico!