I like the concept, but there just isn't enough to this game. It's one joke, which is a pretty good one, but once that's worn off there's just nothing there. To me a "so bad it's good" game is one with depths- often unintentional depths- that you can come back to or at least engage you for a while.
This is just one game with different filters, and it's not a very exciting game. I think you've really only captured half of the multicart experience. There's an element of exploration and discovery with most cartridges, playing through all the weird shitty clone games to see if any of them are good, which ones are ripped off, and how many are actually on the cart. If you could have captured the feeling of excitement before the letdown I think this would have worked a lot better for me.
On a side note, I don't personally own any pirate multicarts but I do have a few sketchy famiclones with built-in games.