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Great! Does it mean that the gutter trash finally finished and the third chapter will begin? Or the update of gutter trash still not finished? I want to buy gutter trash until it totally completed. 

dont count your chickens yet

There still MAY be one more pack to go, although it will be fairly minor. Money-wise you have nothing to lose now, again, you get all the add-ons eventually for no additional cost. But I understand if you want to be able to play it through in one go without having to keep revisiting it.


and adding this 2nd pack to the game will take same ammount of days as the 1st pack?

Third one you mean? My guess is it'll be quicker to produce, but I'll announce timelines for that once I'm made some decisions/done some planning on it and some other stuff. For now though I'm just focusing on the release, bugfixes, and dealing with some planned but stressful IRL stuff this month.


well i mean this one. and great to hear

Oh you mean how long till this pack is on Itch? Yeah, two weeks from initial release like always.


ok then