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(1 edit) (+1)

Hmm, with a 100 Damage cap, Thunder might be a redundant element, given Inevitabolt. Not that I remember how I got that recipe.

Still, with the ability to add Catalysts and such, these are gonna be some interesting potions!

Back when I was fighting the "Final" Dungeon, that was one of my hypotheticals for winning with minimum potions, just really charge up Inevitabolts, with Levinite being the limiting factor. I can only make 53 of them right now, without buying some more. heh.

I bet I gotta pick an Attack Element, so I can't just make a better version of Gleam Sand or something that's faster than 5% Windup, 10% Delay?


The main issue with Inevitabolt is its very low speed, so I think a Thunder-element My Mix will be able to carve out a niche for itself just by virtue of being fast.

Yeah, you have to pick an attack element. Unfortunately, a Neutral-damage My Mix would probably wreak havoc on the game balance.