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People really hating on you when you're right XD


Mf what are they gonna hate on instead, a imaginary pedophile? The concept of pedophilia? Some guy whos already convincted?

"Some guy whos already convincted?" Obviously, or instead of wasting their time hating something that's completely legal in majority of countries they can just move on with their lives. I don't believe its that hard to do. And if it bugs them that much they can go get a job with people who actually solve irl problems. I don't think it can be stressed enough how much I (and the rest of the community I hope) hate pedophiles and the terrible things they plan/do to children. I assume you will just ignore this and perpetuate your idiotic hate messages but I will hope you can be smarter than the lower 1/3rd of people.

(1 edit)

Why do people always bring up the fact of legality like I'm a cop? If you're not a pedophile, congratulations... you're one outta a fuckin million. First time anybody of your... community... ever legit just came up to me and said "i do not look at actual kids" instead of beating around the bush for the rules of their fetish, good job!!! I wish I was being sarcastic. However I am morally firm (mostly I am in a fucking porn game community post on itch) and do not see the "artistic" side of the fictional kid fetish that you for some reason defend instead of staying justifiably silent like the other ones.

The reason I bring up those scenarios is because they're outed. It's like hating epstein island; wtf is the point of that everybody knows what it is. And the real convincted ones either get mauled in jail, hide behind some bullshit reasoning, or get a one year fucking sentence. Usually the 3rd one constantly. Kill me. Rather not think about that. Which is why I rather point these things out occasionally to people who HOPEFULLY HAVENT DONE THAT YET.

I'm very specific on this topic as I had talked and helped a ton of past trauma victims years ago at my own severely unhealthy group which had developed me underlying problems of my own. Because apparently being around unmedicated psychos is not a brilliant idea and could traumatize deeply. So it's possible in a way. I've never been to whatever community site you browse to be fair so if it isn't just a group of supposed legal aged fictional children that's way better? Also 1/3rd is extremely generous... 

edit: why is the text white

I bring up the legality because most the time its the main point people who disagree bring up. I've seen on both sides of the spectrum what actual pedos cause and the insane way their brain operates. I don't believe a lot of the people in "this" community are of the type and id like to believe that everyone who place these games can keep it as a fetish-type of thing and never turn to real kids. I look here because I gained a preference for hentai at a young age and have had a preference for more petite body types. If you know much about hentai you'll know that, outside of loli, its borderline impossible to find. That's my personal reason of course... I am in an online forum that talks about lolis as well, In there its extremely well noted that real kids are to NEVER EVER be in consideration because there are people who might bridge the gap. For some people its easy and I fear that. Most of us moral people don't have trouble understanding that hurting real people is very much different than looking at a drawing. I do see where you could make the connections though. 

PS: Sorry for the idiot comment, that was unnecessary when you were being logical, and trying to have a genuine, constructive argument.

Nah I definetly get you. It's a thin line between loli, petite, shortstack, whatever. I am actually on the same boat as I prefer thinner girls usually to big busted abominations 70% of the time. Hell, I had a long obsession with short ones and goblin girls were the best for a while. I also got into hentai at a young age as you said. I had a way to ground myself however so it didn't really effect my malleable child brain that hard.

There's this thin line that I feel we can both see that crosses from flat girls or well lithes to lolis in an instant. You've probably had the thought of; "do I really wanna enjoy looking at this" more then a dozen times or something among the lines like me and either said: "nah this is definetly stereotyped as a child" and get super uncomfortable or, "yeah its okay cause I don't think that way" then click off cause something made you uncomfortable or in a 3rd absolute one - "WOOOHOOOO" 

They get alot more shamed into a loli category spite showing 0 usual characteristics of one which pisses me off cause that's a very nonsensical thing. I used to argue in cesspools like reddit for fun and goddamn if you ever been there y'know what hentai subreddits look like. But that's possibly the best place to find what your looking for. As for impossible to find I would say there's more alternatives if you know where to look for it. For the sake of conserving whatever trim of morality I have left I am probably not gonna look at that forum but I will insist degrading yourself into that stuff you don't wanna see isn't needed. I persume you can handle yourself though and that we can both move on with our seriously unhealthy porn addictions.

Make good people and have a nice life!

sign offs are so fkn awkward