Just tried again with the new update, some stuff feels better but the steering wheel movement is still way too fast.
so, just to be sure, did you select gpad mode in the steering method in the Controls menu?
Yup did that.
what did you mean when you said that the steering was too fast? the wheel response itself or the vehicle response?
The steering wheel itself. I drive in 1st person and I can see the wheel moving much much faster than I want it to.
there is a linearity option that should help if it feels too responsive, you can lower it a bit.
Doesn't seem to have any effect.
The triggers for accelerator and brake were working, right? the orange and green bar on the GUI should show you the inputs.
They're working but I'm noticing there's a big deadzone on the brakes I can't get rid of even when I set the brake deadzone to 0.0. I did some testing to see if I could hold the brakes at 50% or any value between 0% and 100% and it was nearly impossible. I could sort of get some progressive input on the brake but it jumped from 0 to 100 so fast and suddenly. That's probably the cause of a lot of my braking problems.
I could not reproduce the crash when changing the brake options,
I get the crash if I launch a rally, go back to main menu, and then set the brake values again. (Maybe only sometimes)
I remember that last time you told me the brakes were too weak. you can disable the ABS by setting both to 0.0, then if slamming brakes still feels too weak, that means my tires dont have enough grip.
Might be better but I'll be able to truly evaluate when I can consistently hold a desired brake amount to threshold brake.
did you change the `slippy tiers` setting? don`t change that, somewhere along the way I broke the `normal` tires, so keep it at default, which is `on`
I never touched it. I thought the default was off before the last update, but now I see it's "flicky" tires and it's defaulted to on.