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From other reviews I can see the game is nice. It's not your fault but I could not play the game because it froze for me after like a minute or two. There will always be bugs in a jam entry and you can't do anything about them, especially in such a short jam. But for the time I played the game felt juicy and nice and Its pretty insane how you created so much gameplay in such a short time, my lazy ass failed miserably my entry has no gameplay and I liked the art style too.

Thank you, yes the jam edition does have some bugs that I am aware of. Sadly I wasn't able to test much as I was short of time. 

There is an updated a little more polished version available on:
Password: R4G3SUR5OR

But please rate my game as if you haven't played that version.


Sure, I'll rate your game fairly. I don't consider bugs a bad thing in a game jam. I mean, you can't fix them if you don't know about them. This version didn't crash for me, and the game felt amazing. Kudos, man, the game feels fantastic.

Thank you, I very much appreciate that! :)