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A member registered Nov 06, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank you for your kind words!

Thank you so much, I am happy you enjoyed it :) 

Yeah I can see how the loading can be a bit weird as it's a hacked compiler. You're not actually supposed to be able to play this on Thank you for your kind words I am glad you liked the story :) 

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Yeah, there was a bit of rushing at the end with the encounters and everything. I could and can definitely do better in this department! Thanks for playing anyways! :)

I am glad you liked it!

Very spooky, I would have loved some dialogue in this I think this could be expanded on very creatively! I also really liked the progressive background track! One minor little thing not sure if it was just on my end but I thought the game was bugged in the beginning because I couldn't see that character!

You really need to follow the dialogue to know what you have to do next. After going down in the basement you need to pick up the note near the dead cultist body. It will tell you where to go next. 

The game has controller support so you can use a game controller to play the game for a more nostalgic feel. I also used the most common set up for gameboy emulators.

I definitely overscoped the game and ended up having to add so much text just to convey the story. I agree that I probably should have added less text or turned it into a visual novel. 

The combat system should have definitely been expanded on and it was also supposed to have a mechanic where reading lore was gonna give you extra stats but did not have time to add that. 

Thank you so much for playing my game! 

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Very very much agree with everything you said. I only allow interacting while the player is at a complete stop (or idle phase) I tried to recreate how a gameboy would feel but could have probably left that out. 

Not 100% sure what clicking outside the box does to the actual game, this is an experimental Assembly Build (which you can't natively do in Gamemaker yet). Might be causing some minor issues as well.

Thanks so much for your feedback/review it is much appreciated! I hope you enjoyed the story :)

Have you managed to open the door in the church yet? 

I really love the art, it's amazing you guys did such a great job. You really captured a spooky vibe!

I think you guys did a really good job making this game! I love the art, music, sound effects, though I feel like instead of brightening my lamp I would have liked a dash. 

Thank you so much, I am happy you enjoyed the story! 

Another great font!

Thank you so much, I am glad you enjoyed it and I agree with all the feedback! 

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Tried to use this for a pixelart game, the ui is unresponsive when you fullscreen. You can't zoom in enough to work with this for pixelart games either. It just really isn't great to work with for pixelart sadly. 

I am using Fixtor for a pixelart game, and for some reason the sprite goes out of the fixtures border, or the other way around.

I tried everything, changing the sprites origin, changing the origin in the code and nothing seems to work. It still seems to go outside the fixtures borders when rotating the image_angle.

Cute little game, the different in art sizes was bothering me a little bit but other then that good job!

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It was my first attempt at working with physics so I didn't/don't know how to do anything fancy yet haha. Thanks for playing my game! 

Thank you so much I really appreciate that! 

I haven't even thought of that I can totally see this in a modern arcade cabinet! 

It really depends on how well my game gets rated, I really want to believe this would work for a full release. But I appreciate your words a lot it means a lot to me! 

You're very welcome! Once again have to say the visuals and juice are on point just need to happen a bit faster! 

I haven't worked with GM Physics prior to this so I don't know if I can speed up the physics but thanks for telling me, I will definitely have a look! 

Thank you so much for your kind words! 

Thank you for playing! I will look at that I can do to make the game feel a bit faster! 

I love the aesthetics and design of this game so much. It has really nice animations and juice and interesting dialogue.

I ended up winning and coming across a weird bar bug. The game is super interesting but the juiced up animations take sooo long. Eventually I didn't read the cards and text anymore because I felt like it was becoming a drag. I also encountered a bug where sometimes it would give me the wrong card.

Love the visuals of this game, the game works as it should but feel like it could do with more forgiving collision boxes! great job for a 48 hour game!

There are only 2 enemies so if you beat the bat that's it. I would have loved to add more but I did not have the time to do so. I have some ideas here and there but I'll have to see how much attention this gets on GMTK. 

Thank you so much for all your kind words I really appreciate it! 

I've had multiple people mentioned that, where would like things to go faster?

Thank you, I am glad you liked it! 

If I were to make a full version the best way to keep up to date with that is follow my X

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If I make a full release the velocity won't be reset, it was the first time working with GM Physics and I haven't really gotten used to the functions yet. Thanks for playing my game! 

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The pixelart is gorgeous, sound effects, music is all on point. I did however notice that the dragging of towers was often very bugged for me. I'd have to click and try to drag a tower multiple times before it would actually work and it was quite frustrating to work with, I do however think that after fixing this and adding some more interesting enemy and tower behaviors this could be a game I would pay for.

I think with textures the game would have been a lot clearer to play. But in the end I managed to find where to go! Like mentioned before you not being able to see your feet made platforming hard. But let's just call that a feature!

I am glad I checked yours out too, would have loved to see more of it. Maybe if you decide to make a full release you can add that you have to build multiple stories of a building and maybe even the walls or something! Thank you so much, for telling people about Weaponmancer I can use the traffic for sure! 

I know there is a bug where the level 3 bow can sometimes get stuck, I don't know what causes it but I've seen it happen to more people. 

Thanks for the feedback, I'll look into the delay, what part of the delay between dropping weapons seems to be annoying for you? 

Thank you so much I really appreciate that!

I appreciate the message behind the game but I would have liked some more gameplay elements!

Love the style and visuals, the only issue I have with the game is that it was often not very clear what was a background item and an item I could jump on. I would change this by either making the background darker or less saturated. Great job for your first game btw!