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First of it's quiet an amazing job to build your own engine/editor. Exceptional to say the least.

The content that is in Bleak Harbor is stunning and there is lots of content!

Having this of my chest lets get to the feedback, because I take it that is what you really looking for.

Movement is very delicate, I also unintentionaly bumped into things losing hp. I don't mind losing hp by bumping into stuff (DM style) but it felt very unfair as I barely touched the keys and already started zooming around.

The first snake (after the rock) also attacked me inside the first cave (with the 6G and the apple) I don't think that was suppossed to happen, as I only had  1 rock to defend myself and died of course. In some places I also noticed various clipping problems (I could see behind a wall but did not take a screenshot of it).

After providing the 3 dead fish, I got two clubs, is that right? I then got the healing potion and unintentionly zoomed into the snail which killed me instanly. In another run I got to the guards but some how could not move forward anymore (the movement buttons showed the tile in front as moveable) but instead an attack animation was displayed. I had to turn and strafe in order to get to that tile.

Sometimes the windows mouse cursor was displayed as a loading cursor, not sure if that helps. 

It is also possible to loose an quest item (dead fish) unintentionaly , here is how: Collect a fish (or any other item) dont put it into the inventory but move (inventory closes but keeps loot), loot another item and the first item is lost (even when its a quest item). As a hint to others: Always place stuff you loot into the inventory!

I think there are some serious timing issues which make the game unintionally very difficult/unplayable which is a shame. If I had to make a guess I would say it has something to do how you calculate the deltatime between frames.

Used a mid range Ryzen 5700g + RTX 3060, and a throw away Win11 installation.

Hmmm. All excellent feedback - especially the clipping and speed issues. the speed has been mentioned before and I'll look into this closely.