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A member registered Mar 07, 2023 · View creator page →

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A very polished entry. The intro sequence is great as well as the overall graphicall appearance. Also loved the mechanuc when you shoot yourself to get an advantage. Very well thought out.

Well done!

Thanks for playing!

Yes you are right about the hit window. I do have plans for better targeting (especially to take out the turrets) along with some homing missles but could not finish that in time.

I am glad you liked it.

There is a lot to be liked about your entry as well.

Thanks for playing and your feedback.

Yes, an arcade style was what I was aiming for, glad it worked out for you. 

Going the test your entry as well.

Thank you for playing and your kind feedback, I am gladly returning the favour.

Very well polished game, loved the graphics and the sound fits perfectly.

The web build suffers from some initial lag spikes, most likely linked to the particle effects being compiled on the fly, you may want to preload them during the game load time to cover up the lag.

Well done!

Very nice graphics, liked that a lot, the music and SFX are fitting and the game play has a lot spin.

If there is one thing I would like to be added, it would some sort of an boss healthbar or an indicator about the state of the boss.

a very unique entry. Using realistic orbit style movements is certainly something special, took me a while to figure it out. I believe a sort of tutorial would help a lot here.

Thank you for taking the time to play the game and provide feedback.

Just checked and rated your game, that was really good!

A lot to like about this one. A fully functional game loop. 3d boss fight with a lot of spin! That fact that you had the time to add a customizing option is fantastic.

If there is one thing I could wish: Do not default to the highest difficulty level, it can be very frustrating if you never played the game before and I did not expect a game to default to this. Other then that there is not a lot I could ask for.

Well done!

I love space games (check out mine if you have some time to spare).

The graphics and vfx looks great, to much bloom if you ask me. Controlls are a bit hard to get used too and the camera perspective could need some polish.

I ended up staying in the same spot most of the time and just grinding the boss down which is a bit boring. To bad that there is no win state or score. 

SFX is fitting but the ambient music is a bit odd.

Would not mind to test a post-jam version.

Loved the arcade fealing! Very nice entry.

Very interessting mechanic. Would not mind to play more of it.

Some arcade flair was exactly what I was aiming at, more specific the arcade classic "Gyruss" just with a more modern 3d'isch touch.

Thanks for playing and your time, I appreciate it.

Thanks for taking the time to play and leave some feedback! I appreciate this.

You are right, the targeting needs improvement, I have some plan for some additional homing missles to destroy the turrets but could not integrate that in time.

Thanks for your kind feedback.

Liked the unique art style and animation not many entries are on this level. The lore scenes are also a nice touch.

It is a bit unfortunate the music kills the sfx as this takes away a bit of immersion but I am sure you will fix this ASAP.

Well done, looking forward to a post-jam version.

That is a cool game. Took me some time to get used to the controls but after that it was a nice experience.

Thanks for making it!

Wow! Congratulations! That is a nice score and I am very glad you enjoyed it so far!

Gonna try yours tonight!

Thanks a lot.

Hey thanks for playing and the kind feedback.

Yes I am still working on it and expanding it into a more whole game experience (not just bosses, but stages with waves of smaller fighters and so on. Also having a mobile/touch friendly version in the works.

Good luck to you too, gonna test your game tonight.

Hey thanks for playing!

There are plans for homing missiles and  targeting but I did not manage to add those before the deadline, sorry!

Somebody else already mentioned Star Fox, I guess I have to look that up.

That was fun and made me laugh!

What else could I ask for?

Well, as other already pointet out, it is too easy. Loved the spin animation and that I could use the whirlwind to deflect incomming attacks but when I used the pepper and the chilli powder is when I was laughing the most. Brilliant attack!

Well done!

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing and your kind feedback.

The game itself is rendered in 3d but being a solo dev I did not manage to do the models myself within the month. It's an asset pack I linked in the section above. 

I am going to check out your game next!

Thank you for taking the time to give it a try.

I have not played Star Fox yet, but I'll check it out.

Thank you!

(1 edit)

Yep! If you disabled hardware acceleration all WebGL games can not use the GPU and will be rendered in software only and that means they will be a slideshow at best.

Could you please re-enable hardware acceleration for a moment and retest the entries that ran slowly? You can disable it again afterwards if you like.

I build in a hidden performance overlay, you can enable and cycle through it by pressing CTRL-F10 and CTRL-F11 

Some one send me a note that the game would run at 144 FPS on an Ryzen 5600H with integrated graphics which is the lower power mobile variant of your 5600G. 

So you should be just fine.

You have a lot of good stuff going on there and I am looking forward to a new version.

 Given the number of systems you implemented, I can imagine that must have been a quiet stressful time for you. The crunch time in a jams is quiet taxing. That*s what I meant with when I said you where over scoping, I did not mean it to sound rude or make fun of you, just to highlight the overwhelming amount of work this must have been.

Actually you can easily store progress in Web builds using PlayerPrefs. That is what I am using to store the sound volumes and the highscore across sessions. Web builds will use the Browser IndexedDB to store up to 1 Megabyte of data. While it is strictly speaking not meant to be used to store game states, you can abuse it to store a single save game / player progression. Bear in mind that a versed player may be able to modify the content of the IndexDB but you can always encrypt/obfuscate the data before storing.

This is an incredible amount of work you put into this and it is a shame that this does not get the attention it deserves.

My hat off to you!

A 5600G is not a bad system at all.

The game should run just fine with an 5600g. I did test everything on a mid/low-range laptop featuring an i5-12500H with its integrated GPU (which is a lot weaker then the 5600g) and it never dropped below 60FPS (Chrome and Firefox).

Probably there is something wrong with your browser settings? Hardware acceleration disabled or something like that?

You could try the official WebGL samples at if they do not run at a solid 60 FPS there is something funky going on in your browser. 

In case you are using Google Chrome you could check the GPU status by typing: 


into the topbar. This will open a tab and there should be WebGL and WebGL2 shown as "Hardware accelerated" if it says "Software only" the GPU wont be used and everything will be calculated by the CPU and this is awfully slow.

Please let me know your findings.

Thanks in advance!


Love the artstyle and overall execution. Great job there.

But the movement is really hard to get used too, especially as a left-handed person. If you add some numpad support that would help out quiet a lot but I have never been a fan RMB movement...

Thanks for playing.

Yeah it can take a moment to get used to the perspective that is true. Well a jam is always a good place to put ideas to a test.

Keep on jamming!

I am glad you liked it!

Thanks for playing.

Ha! Tell me you made a game in UE5 without telling me you made a game in UE5!

One-point-three GB, that is even beyond the 1 GB limit from Itch, guess you asked for extra space?

Your first UE project? A jam is always a good place to learn new stuff.

To give a little bit of context how I usually test jam entries: I have an mid range notebook wielding a mighty iGPU (i5 12500H) using a throw-away windows 11 install (the entire system will be wiped after rating). I use this as a baseline system to see if people spend some time on optimizations (it is not my day-to-day workstation).

So I can tell that your game probably works fine on your 4080 (you should delete the log files they can be quiet revealing) but its a slideshow on an iGPU thanks to Lumen.

After disabling Lumen and turning down the settings in the config I managed to get the game running at an decent framerate but still the ghosting from the temporal antialising is pretty noticeable.

Its a good start but the first boss is missing or intentionally invisible? At least I hit something sometimes according to the healthbar. On the other hand I had some fun blasting holes into walls while trying to get the recoil under control. Of course using the barrel spin as a theme implementation is quiet a stretch...

I wonder why the boss is invisible and what would have come next.

Not bad! Still incomplete but certainly not a bad start.

But you really made it hard for me to get used to it. 

First of all you should make a web build after the rating period, Windows builds are always risiky and you should not be surprised that a lot of people do not download windows only builds at all. 

VirusTotal said your download checks out okay and I am using a throw-away installation of Windows any way, so I gave it a try. 

And I am glad I did! 

But I'll break down my experience so others know what to expect and where you can improve.

Game launched in windowed mode but captured and disabled the mouse cursor. Thats odd. Okay 'alt-enter' would bring me into fullscreen mode but not everybody knows this. 

Selection without mouse is not really intuitiv but I could use the cursor keys and space to select the options. However I was not sure what I could do with the crew option or upgrade section (I learned that later). 

Start Mission worked fine and the cut scene was great. 

The perspective kind of reminds me of an 3d plattformer just inside the Synty Space Station Pack. Which is okay.

 It is however important to know that the 'M' key would bring up a map because at first I was just jumping around without a clue what to do and almost thought that this was all there is. So a little tutorial or least some text to explain things a bit would be very beneficial. Found an enemy by accident and figured out the turn based combat. But it looks like that nothing except "Attack" works. The attack actually implements the theme spin based on our reaction time using a  attack/critical section which is fine. Because I had no equipment I did not stand a chance against the Protofactor alien eventhough I got a good bunch of "perfect" attacks. Also found some crystals and then use them to unlock a 2nd party member in the previous "upgrade" section.

Did not find any bosses tho and mostlikly would not stand a chance against them without gearing up first (which is not what a boss rush is about).

There is already a lot of systems implemented so I can tell that a whole bunch of work went into it, it is just that all the individual parts feel rather incomplete which reflects badly on the entire game. Which is a shame but I think for a one month game jam you overscope quiet a lot but you can expand on this after the jam, it is still a lot of work required to make this a complete game but it can be a good one!

There is no sound at all, adding some background sound and effects would make your game much more enjoyable. 

I like the idea of unlocking party members but this begs the question why I can see only one when I am in the 3d plattform mode? Mixing an interactive 3d single player view with an party based turn based combat this way seems like an odd choice.

Last but not least: I see that you use the Synty Space Station pack along with the Protofactor Alien Pack and that generates a very incoherent visual. While the Synty packs have they own low poly palletized look, protofactor uses highpoly models with PBR textures and that is not a got fit. I suggest that you replace the Protofactor models with other Synty modells to keep an coherent style.

The only way to exit the game seems to be to ALT-F4 out of it, which propably only takes one Apllication.Quit() call to fix!

It is certainly a big project you have going there and I would not mind to see more of it.

Oh I already did!

That is a fun game you have there!

(2 edits)

Love the title!

The art style is great the sound effects funny and using a spirograph type of movement for the bosses is definatly unique!

This is one of the cases that prove that often the simplest game loops can be the most addictive ones.

Great job!

My personal whishlist:

  • Background/Ambient sound
  • Better mouse support
  • Fullscreen button (you can still edit the page to add one)
  • Keep the funny sfx!

Thank you for playing and the feedback, I am glad you liked it!

Going to rate your game as well!


Thank you for taking the time to play it!

I really appreciate it and will return the favour!

I am sorry to hear that the web build did not gave you a smooth experience.

 Since I put some time and effort into making sure the build would work on all machines I have access to, I am really interessted to investigate what could be the problem.

Do you mind my asking about your system specs/operating system and browser (incl. the version)?

I do use a lot of VFX so it can be quiet taxing on older hardware. How would you compare the experience to other 3d webgl games in the jam?

Thanks in advance!

(1 edit)

I saved the city! Yeah!

There is a lot to like here. 

  • Multiple unique bosses.
  • Neat pixel art and SFX.
  • Captures the fealing of the classic arcades very well, it was like sitting in front of my Amiga again (which is a good thing)!

If I could wish for some changes:

  • Auto fire (as suggested by others)
  • Background or an ambient track
  • make it more difficult!

Well done!

Neat pixel graphics and a whole lot of spin! Was fun to play!

Thank you for playing and I am glad you liked it!

Glad you liked it. Ever played the classic acrade "Gyruss"? You may like that too.