Hi! Just a quick question that was not clear to me.
Do Round Begin Power Up’s stay permanently or are they only for the round?
For ex, on the start of my turn I power double power my turret. On the next turn if I double power it again, will it be at 2 or at 4 power?
Added question, if I link my shield with my turret, can I shoot when I defend with my shield?
Found a few other our first playthrough, mostly clarifications though:
Incoming! Says to spawn two boogey and a Scout. There is no scout, but there is a pathfinder, I assume it is a typo/later rename.
Do I damage the missile even if I miss? (I assume yes)
When an enemy/effect damages my hardware I take a powered slots away first, then mark the first non-powered one as a damage, right? (So if I have two power in my turret, and an enemy hits me there for 1, on my action I have a 1 powered turret.)