Unfortunately, there's only the prototype mission for now.
Glad you enjoyed it, thanks for letting us know!
Mate Cziner
Creator of
Recent community posts
Sorry for the belated answer!
The game is designed to work without having to erase anything, so yes, power you assign this turn will stay on for all future turns, until the cells are damaged.
Linking works exactly as you described: shield activates because of enemy attack, and in turn activates your weapon, enabling a counterattack.
Yes, Missiles are spent regardless of the outcome.
Yup, your powered cells get damaged first, making the hardware have less power available.
Thanks for catching the scout-pathfinder typo! I'll upload a fix shortly.
First finished dungeon, using the Demon civilization. Ended up with a lot of juicy twists, with the last Demon almost getting wiped out by an order of knights, if not for a crime syndicate and an adventurer party going to war with each other and littering the dungeon with loot the fiend was able to grab to finance their unholy empire.
I had some duds after this playthrough where things didn't work out as well as here, but when it clicks this game is absolutely wonderful.
Oh, good catch thanks, yeah, it's teen, just slipped through the translation.
The size table is meant to be used only when you create a mon from scratch. It doesn't have a bearing on other processes like mutation or fusion. Should have labeled them starting mutations probably.
The roll numbers are inconsistent between the two because I don't wanted to be creating new creatures to be overwhelming, but evolutions felt too inconsequential with only one roll involved.
Thing is I couldn't reproduce the issue in build, and by the sound of it it's not a controller support problem (since it works in the menu)
Any chance you might have tried to play the game in BOT PARTY mode only? (Which is basically event demo mode with CPU players only)
Did you encounter the screen where you can select characters? (that's when you controllers are supposed to be joined as players if the game detects any input from them)
I now managed to get up to almost 7000. What I missed was that a planet can be oversupplied (in addition to their basic needs) to increase it's production, income and happiness. This gives you much more stuff the work with. This was in the guide actually, I just didn't get it first because there is no visual feedback that prompts you to give them extra resources (unlike the goods icon the appear next to satisfied hive worlds for example)