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Great idea for looting cash, players on supported you for funds and ideas, and you just leave 'I understand that this might be disappointing to those who purchased the initial release on and can't access features that are using Steam, but moving forward development will be a lot smoother with the tools that are available on the Steam platform.'
Then, die with your next trash


Wishing death definitely makes you better than him.


You weren't promised shit you fucking toddler

(1 edit) (+7)(-4)

it’s a indie game, they don’t have a lot of budget here

You’re yelling at this guy for making you buy the game again, when a lot of games do it. Undertale, Minecraft, heck, even Omori do it and those are sometimes more expensive than the original version!

You're sending death threats to someone over a game? Do you realize how pathetic that is?