To some degree, it's a matter of perspective. It's possible to look at anyone and see them as right, or left, depending on your standards. See No True Scotsman, etc. And I'm sure some agree with you regarding the given examples. By most people's criteria, however, both are left wing. Dines is, again, a feminist and a socialist. Ackman supports the democratic party, and Planned Parenthood. This is sufficient to put them on the left for MOST people, though some certainly may disagree.
But also, is it relevant either way? As you go further to the left, to whatever degree would count as "true" left to you, is the problem solved? Do you arrive at people who would suddenly be fine with this kind of expression? It's my experience that you do not, that in fact the cries of moral panic demanding censorship only grow louder. To be sure, there are feminists, socialists and so on that advocate for sexual freedom including free expression, and if you're one of them, great! But as a percentage of the whole that's a vanishingly small group, especially in the real world, outside insulated internet communities.