The making friends quest is bugged. one of the thing were working on for the upcoming bugfix. sorry for the inconvenience.
If you've gone on a little tour of the mall with the goth you've gone as far as you can go with that. If that isn't the case then here's were people usually get stuck.
To progress the quest you need to do the werewolf quest. You can start that by clicking a bush in the park. She wants you to find her clothing. There three pieces held onto by other wolves. One in the maze, one in the girls restroom, one on the second floor. Two of them will require stat runes to get. The Runes are in the clinic and on the park bench.
Cadets scene may block you from entering the girls restroom. You can use the use the screwdriver on the metal plate in the boys stall to progress Cadet's event and remove the block.