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I think this is an AWESOME concept, but I think it's execution has some genuine flaws.

First of all the presentation is excellent, the monitor interface with the screen looked very polished. And I liked the adjusting various dials to see clearly on the screen, though I do agree with the other comments mentioning the control shouldn't be so fine-tuned. Maybe if there were 10 or 20 values on each dial it would be more digestible. And also I second the comment about putting dial values around each dial.

The combat however was honestly confusing. Specifically the controls on the game page has a typo, because it says R is bound to "Attached" instead of "Attack". I would honestly change that now as there's no locks on changing the game page description. Beyond that though it feels a bit unfair that enemies can attack the player from range and diagonally, where the player only has a melee attack.

The puzzle was a bit odd, I managed to pass the lever room but I'm not quite sure how. I raised the first lever and nothing happened, then raised the other two and nothing happened. And then lowered the last two levers and then heard a ding and a key spawned. Good sound design to let me know I was correct (and also the bright magenta squares over the levers was  good for signifying "theres something over here"), but I'm still not sure what was required to get past there.

I never made it past the lava room as I kept getting push off by the projectiles. I think it might have been better to have the first projectile launcher on the second square into the lava room, so the player has time to see the pattern they need to move in.

Also as someone else mentioned, I also respawned under the floor after dying in the lava.

There's an awesome idea here that you are within reach of realizing, but it needs a few fixes first. I can say this is certainly one of the more unique ideas I've seen in this jam.

Good work!


Thanks for playing and providing detailed feedback! There was tutorial text in the first room but for some reason, it disappeared in the build. For the lever rooms, the idea was that you were supposed to adjust the contrast and brightness settings on the monitor and an up or down arrow would appear on the colored panel above letting you know what direction to push the lever in. However, I can see how this would not be clear at all without the text.