It is going to be for 5.25.
There is going to be related Dialogue, but sizing traits aren’t going to be implemented in this version. If requested, I can make them as a Display/reference, but they are shown and described during the “Slave Description” panel and I didn’t want to overload the trait panel (as there are already other traits being added).
There is a Fetishes system that is implemented, though again it isn’t displayed in Traits and rather is shown under its own category in Statistics Panel. Same reasoning as above, but both are easily changed to Traits if that’s what people prefer. Just trying to make it feel additive without overwhelming.
Related to that, the “Incest” and “Size Matters” systems already has the potential for major arousal/lust changes during sex. I don’t want to break the system so I’m releasing the sex system changes without adding in the sizing fetish preferences, but after I think there is a decent balance with the sizing sensitivity system then they will also gain/lose arousal in certain size-related actions that match their preferences.
Hope that clarifies and don’t hesitate to ask anything else about it!