I haven't used construct 2, but it seems there isn't an event that tells the dialog box to go away after it comes up. As it is, the condition "playerBox is not overlapping Sprite" is under the Keyboard "E" pressed event. Does your dialog box go away if you press E and your player isn't overlapping the sprite?
the dialogue box is on layer 'dialogue', so the idea is that it's supposed to go away by making the entire layer it's on invisible when you're no longer overlapping the npc sprite.
to answer your second question, not it does not. it doesnt go away even if you disable pressed E either. if you disable pressed E, the dialogue appears when you overlap the sprite and stays when you are no longer overlapping the sprite, even though that's the condition for the layer to turn invisibile again.
hi!! whats happening here is that "not overlapping" is a condition underneath a key press + overlapping. the whole group of events only fires on a key press with the overlapping condition, but not overlapping will never fire bc it would only be checked if the above conditions were true!! im not too sure what you need exactly eith the two diff npcs but is it possible to solve with booleans--either one or the other or both can be used to toggle the layer's visibility?