Oh, and the game's crashed twice while I was farming. Not sure what really causes it, since it crashed in different in-game locations, but both times I had just sold 130,000 worth of a single item (in two batches, doing some shopping in between), and I was heading back to the Black Market to sell another load.
I am extremely unhappy that there's no savepoint at your motel room, and the only accessible place with a savepoint is a dungeon that locks you in when you enter. And that the mooks in there take out at least half your life bar per encounter, and there's no way to heal other than a few scraps you can pick up or a skill you can use every 4 turns or so, that heals you for 10% while enemies damage you for 30% a turn if you're lucky, and 10% a turn if you're really lucky and they only hit you with DoT ailments on the first turn before you get your dodge off.
At this point I just want to farm up, gear up, and steamroll this shitshow so I can find that COVID UMA, or whatever the premise of this game is supposed to be. What is up with the crashing?
Edit: Just found the savepoint in the motel room, not sure how I missed it the first hundred times I went through that place, but I guess it doesn't really stand out. Still take issue with the crashing. Also still don't like how the very first dungeon will butcher the unprepared, but that's probably exactly how the game is designed.