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(1 edit) (+3)(-3)

 Don't worry....The rest of us are greatful for you sharing progress reports with us keep up the good work!💪

(2 edits) (+1)(-2)

you obviously have problems with reading, so i'm not sure why you'd be into visual novels, or are you just here for the pictures?its not about having updates, its about them being pushed down the wrong channel of the wrong venue.
butt of course you cheapskates are probably drooling at the thought of getting paid content for free.


If you got a problem with what the creator does that's your problem, I don't have spare money to pay a monthly fee I already have enough to pay for IRL, and many others are in my boat as well.... So I'm glad Lykanz likes to inform their fans about their Avn, So stop complaining people like you are the reason the rest of us can't enjoy things peacefully...


you're giving #BrokeInTheBasement
if you did have some clue about reading, you'd realise your emotional outburst is entire unfounded, dumbarse. 

stop being a bum

exactly what im saying.. learn to read. pay  for your damn weekly news stories. you're giving broke

Ain't giving broke but okay LMAOOOO. You're so horny that you get mad at weekly news. Go outside you fucking loser but take a bath first, I definitely know you smell like sweat.

you're giving mad

If you say so lil bro. You the one getting mad at some weekly news reports LOL