Thanks so much for the Reply. I suppose that makes a lot of sense because I never see any N64 music packs just 8/16bit or "Epic" music. To me N64 has a distict sound but guess is because it was such a transitionary console no one really took stock of the N64 sound limitations. And I know when Modding music into N64 games (like Mario Party) you need to use Midi songs and everyone has long abanonded midi sounds... anyway here would be my suggestions:
- Super Mario 64,
- Mario Kart 64,
- Quest 64,
- Mario Party 3,
- Mario Tennis
- Star Fox 64,
- Smash Bros
- Castlevania
- Sin and Punishment,
- Bomberman 64/Hero,
- Golden Eye,
- Perfect Dark,
- Conker's Bad Fur Day/Banjo Kazooie/DonkeyKong 64
- Zelda OOT/Majora's Mask
- Rayman 2
- Pokemon Stadium 1/2
I hope this isn't over board, but these are the games I think of when some one says N64. I left out a few but these are like my essentials. Anyway thanks again.