I've sunk countless hours in this game, but I'm just sick of it now after this update. It's the transformers, solely. I have a huge handicap when it comes to finding my way to things and especially finding my way back, but with the satellites, I could manage. But having the transformers drain this insanely fast and having to practically every day go check EACH one to find the SPECIFIC one that's running out of power and then find my way back is a nightmare.
I've used the map, I've used beacons, it doesn't matter, it's still a nightmare. The transformers power drains way too fast, and it's taking me so long to find a specific one and reset it all the time that I only have time to do my dailies and can't do signal hunting anymore, the most enjoyable part of the game for me that isn't the cool spooky events.
I also ran into a bug where all three transformers were reset and at 100 yet one of them was still marked at 9% power and it drove me insane lol, it was the last straw for me. In a future update, please consider making transformers less punitive, the power lines more visible, and maybe a way to differentiate the three so I know which power line to follow in the first place, they are just far too time consuming and frustrating at the moment