This IS 100% A DEAD GAME. Last update 9 months ago. Developers will never admit to a game being dead because they have nothing to gain and everything to lose by telling you. They want to milk patreon subs as much as they can and it would prevent getting new players and payers for the game. Don't get me wrong, this game has great quality as did RBL1 and I'm not a hater of the games and quite the opposite.
At the end of progress for the girls it clearly states Wait for Reboot Love Part 3...I recommend playing the game for free and sub to support and reward them for the content and then move on. I always hated the patreon sub platform because you sub with no guarantee for content worth the money and I see this pattern with pretty much every game I invest time and money into. All of these games eventually come to a screeching halt either because the game size is too big or too diffuclt to add content with the existing systems or sinply life happens. They may even move on to entirely different games on an entirely different patreon which can double their subscribers by enticing you to stay subscribed to multiple patreons. I commend them for at least having RBL1 RBL2 and Genex tied to one account but they likely learned that they can make more money having multiple patreons.
For those claiming this isn't a dead game, please explain how this game had routine updates almost monthly to having nothing for 9 months. Please show proof that development is happening because I see none since the last update 9 months ago.