Hey Ashleigh, sorry about that! I've uploaded a ZIP file instead of RAR. To extract rar files you would need WinRAR for example, but ZIP files can be extracted by Windows itself.
This was in the Itch.io launcher, which has it’s own RAR extraction tool. I’ll try again.
EDIT: Downloading this (the RAR one) through Firefox and opening with 7-Zip works, but there is something wrong with the RAR itself: The archive extracts at damn near 300 MB/s until it hits that file, at which point it drops to 90 MB/s and seems to hang for a while before finishing the extraction. Whatever tripped up 7-Zip probably caused Itch.io to just give up…
Also, Itch.io’s client doesn’t see the ZIP at all. We might want to mention that to Itch themselves, but I don’t know if I should or if you should.
Oh that's weird, thank you for taking the time to check this out more thoroughly. I'm checking it on my side (I forgot itch had it's own app) and there's an error with the app for me too, but not when extracting it with something else.
I've removed the RAR version since the ZIP version doesn't give any errors with the itch app!