Thanks! And yes that horizontal alignment was the last item on my backlog before submitting, thought I had the math right but I got overly ambitious assuming I'd get all 13 in one row without colliding with the GUI. I believe I know the fix for this but I'm waiting until after the Game Jam to deploy any updates just to be safe.
Also in case you're curious, issues aside, this is the current logic I frantically came up with in the final hours for dynamically setting horizontal padding between two separate draw events (one for total held collectables and another for the remaining based on next goal)
It's not perfect but I'm quite happy with my solution all things considered, my backup plan was just to print the total to the screen and call it done if I couldn't solve it in time 🤣
And yeah I noticed that too! The win state is a weird one, it kicks you back to the menu on winning locally but not in the submission for some reason. But either way I have a backlog item for v0.2 already to implement a postgame scoreboard to keep track of your best runs (especially once we start adding more complicated interactions and decisions to the following levels!)
Anyways, thanks for playing! We'll keep chipping away at the remaining backlog after the game jam so feel free to check back after some time to see how it's progressed 😁